Caleb Jones Reviews

Caleb In Suit

Caleb Jones seems like he’s always compensating. The kinda guy who’d kick down an unlocked door.

It’s almost as if his mind’s saying alpha male, but his heart’s saying Star Wars

What? I can’t unsee all the rings, swords and vests.

Dude probably has a poster of Mystery, the greatest pickup artist of all time, hanging above his bed.

He’s written a book called The Unchained Man: The Alpha Male 2.0. It teaches you how to be happier, better with women, richer, and freer.

It funnels readers into expensive coaching programs like Sovereign CEO and Unchained CEO. 

Why Most Courses Suck

Caleb brands himself as a seven-figure business coach with three location-independent businesses.

But aren’t those businesses just selling you a business?

By the end of this Caleb Jones review, I hope to have an answer for you.

Caleb knows you want some of that warm and buttery laptop income that flows into your bank account whether you’re in Dubai or NYC, Barcelona or LA.

So you can quit that horrible, stupid 9-to-5 job and scoop up a sugar baby to pamper, just like he does.

But let’s face it, you’re nervous.

This whole entrepreneur thing wasn’t something you were ever taught.

With a dad who was out the door before you can remember and a mom who must’ve thought your love language was verbal abuse and spite, you were hardly set up for success.

Nowadays, the algorithm’s your daddy, pushing you to live a second-hand life through your Instagram feed, but only when you’re not edging to stepsister videos over on The Hub.

No wonder you feel stuck.

Enter Caleb with a metaphorical fire hose, ready to save you from the hellish flames of depression.

His 90-Day Business Builder experience features real human beings that will take you by the hand and lead you from absolute zero to making real money from that dusty doom rectangle you call a MacBook Air.


Meaning, if you’re not profitable after 12 weeks, his team will continue to work with you for as long as it takes.

Yay for ongoing help that’s not helping, right?

Caleb In Dubai
Why Most Courses Suck

You’ll apparently be doing coaching, consulting or some kind of service work.

Caleb considers this his crown jewel: the most popular program he’s rolled out in 14 years of finessing on the internet.

When they first opened the doors, they were hoping for a decent turnout, but the response was explosive, tripling the number of memberships they had forecasted.

Since then, 90-Day Business Builder has rocketed to the top of Caleb’s extensive list of money-making offers – a list that stretches longer than the Panama Canal.

It’s been so lucrative that they’ve pulled the plug on most of their other projects, focusing exclusively on this gold mine.

As for student results?

They’ve had guys make $5,000 and $6,000 in just a few weeks.

One guy landed a client that paid him $13,000.

And on and on, Caleb assures us – all from guys who’ve never started a business before, either.

Okay, so what do you get if you join?

  1. Three live coaching sessions per week for 90 days straight.
  2. Lifetime access to Basecamp where you can ask questions and collaborate with other members.
  3. Exclusive training videos covering tactics and strategies to build your online business.
  4. A full-time accountability coach assigned to you.
  5. Bonus: The Alpha 2.0 Business course on setting up a remote business.
  6. Bonus: a How To Get Clients course.
  7. Bonus: a copy of another one of Caleb’s books, Big Income from Little Work.

What’s the cost for all this?

It’s $3,000, but they offer payment plans to break it up if needed.

I’m sure Caleb means well, but it feels like you’re getting Walmart quality at a Prada price tag.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: What’s Reddit say about Caleb Jones?

A: That he’s just another “theory guy” rehashing old advice. They mock how red pill coaches preach about being a Chad, but aren’t even Chads themselves; it’s just the blind leading the blind. And that Caleb spouting business advice through Unchained CEO (formerly Sovereign CEO) doesn’t make him any better than anyone else saying, “Monogamy’s for betas, bro.”

Q: Do you think Caleb is alpha?

A: Pfft. I’ve seen more alpha behavior in an all-women’s prison. Kidding. I can’t decide based on a few videos I watched.

Q: If I don’t wanna work with Caleb, what do you suggest to make money online?

A: Rent little websites to local businesses. Here’s how. Now get off my porch!