Get Logo Sales Review

Zak Shooting Range

Zak Loveday wants to know if you bought your tickets. To what, you’re supposed to say. To the Gun Show… at the Shooting Range.

What? Couldn’t help myself.

Zak built a $5,000 per month logo design business in under 30 days. Without posting on social media or competing on freelance sites or even designing a single logo. 

Seems like unicorn territory, right? 

Let’s find out. Read on for my Get Logo Sales review. 

Why Most Courses Suck

Zak admits, it wasn’t always a walk in the park with ice cream.

After spamming Facebook and Instagram for six months straight and having nothing but a pending PayPal dispute to show for it, Zak knew he needed a different strategy.

How could he get clients coming to him? Good clients who expected to pay a fair amount for a decent logo? And not try to refund the minute he sent it over?

Zak was determined to find out. So he spent the next few weeks scouring the internet for answers.

He tried freelance sites. Way too competitive. It was almost impossible to win jobs and if you did the clients wanted the world because they had so many other options they coulda went with.

He needed to stop being one of many and become one of one. That meant ditching the marketplaces and driving his own traffic to his own funnel. Then he could control the positioning, the process people would go through, the pricing and terms and whatever else.

It took some testing and tweaking but this eventually led to what Zak calls his Automatic Sales Machine. ASM. Which is basically a landing page that asks prospects a few questions, determines what type of logo they want, has ’em pay on the spot, then forwards the order to Zak.

The ASM worked. Zak had told some friends, go to this URL if you need a logo designed. They told their friends. Next thing ya know sales notifications were popping up in Zak’s inbox. Not a ton, but hey, it was happening on autopilot.

Sure beat going back and forth with prima donnas on Upwork all day, begging for their business, right?

Zak Skyline View
Why Most Courses Suck

But he wasn’t outta the woods just yet. He still had to figure out how to feed this machine with consistent leads.

Zak bought a YouTube ads course, did exactly as the guru said, proceeded to pee his entire budget right down his leg. I wonder if it was that little nerd Aleric Heck who spammed me for a year straight talmbout “YouTube ads beat Facebook ads every single time.”

If so, Zak proved him wrong.

Zak made a bunch of Facebook ads and ran each of them at $5 a day. The worst performers got turned off, the best got turned up. Using this simple approach (along with his ASM) he was able to convert cold traffic into logo design sales with just $100 in ad spend.

Again, hands-free. While he was sleeping, eating, watching TV, hanging out with friends.

But then the work started piling up. There was one thing left to do: outsource the logos.

Fiverr seemed like the obvious solution, only it turned out to be a logistical nightmare due to time zone differences. Zak would order a gig hoping to get it back same day but they wouldn’t even see it for 8-10 hours. Then they’d have a question but now Zak’s zonked out and so the project stalls for another 8-10 hours. And on and on.

It took another few months for Zak to come up with a logo fulfillment system that would route new orders straight to designers and completed orders straight to the customers without him being involved whatsoever.

Man was it worth it.

Now he had a real business that could run without him, 24/7/365.

Thirty days later Zak had cleared $5,000.

His Get Logo Sales course can teach you how to do all of this. There are five step-by-step video modules, an AI training, templates, swipes, checklists, four live group coaching calls and their recordings, and some bonuses.

Cost is $997.

I have one objection but it’s a big one.

With Canva and all these new artificial intelligence tools, who needs to hire out a logo design these days? Not many people. And that number’s only gonna shrink as the not-so-techie realize how user-friendly all this stuff is.

Why Most Courses Suck