Robert Oliver (aka Rob The Bank) has the confidence of a damn drag queen. Meanwhile, I’m over here wilting from secondhand embarrassment as I scroll through his Instagram.
I can’t tell if he’s a cowboy or an extra from a 90s rap video, mean mugging the camera with a stack of money the size of a loaf of bread held up to his ear.
He looks like Kev, from Shameless – the one who was married to V and owned the local bar, The Alibi – doesn’t he?
Anyways, read on for my FBA Millionaire Academy review.
Walker Deibel’s hair? On a scale of iconic, it ranks just below the Bloomin’ Onion at Outback Steakhouse.
Just him and Patrick Dempsey, out-hair-ing everybody.
Male pattern baldness? Pfft. Not on their Apple Watches.
Beyond his thick, wavy mane, Walker Deibel is the author of Buy Then Build, a #1 bestseller on Amazon.
He’s also the founder of Acquisition Lab, an $8,500 coaching program designed to teach acquisition entrepreneurs how to buy businesses, bypassing the messy challenges of starting from scratch.
Anything better than when your mom lovingly trimmed the crust off your PB&J as a kid? Who knew that was as good as it was gonna get?
Then again, maybe PBJ Ignite can bring back those carefree days.
In this case, PBJ stands for PB and Josh – the everyday couple you’d see in a riverboat casino smashing max bet on Wheel of Fortune, praying for a bonus spin.
They’re “global business coaches,” ready to take you from burnout to boss-free.
That’s right. Earn passive income while exploring the world – just like them.
Arthur Ryapolov reminds me of my junkie cousin who pawned my Xbox to pay for drugs when I was little. I’m not sure what ever happened to that dusty crackhead.
As for Arthur, he went from flipping cars to building and selling $80 million worth of real estate with his brother Ruben.
Crazy as it sounds, they say anyone can be a home builder.
Yes, even if you work a 9-to-5 and money’s tight and you can hardly put together a LEGO set, you can apparently do this.
Sean D. Gray looks like he’s deep in thought. Wonder what he’s thinking about.
Why commercials are so much louder than shows?
Should guys under 5-foot-6 be allowed to vote?
Why’re they called hands and not booby grabbers?
So lemme get this straight: dipping carrots in Ranch is “healthy” but if I take a swig straight from the bottle, all the sudden I’m Sloth from Goonies?
Who knows what’s on his mind. Those are just my best guesses.
Sean’s the founder of SFT: Sales Flow Transformation.
It’s for remote closers who wanna eliminate burnout and overwhelm, and achieve fulfillment.
Keep reading for Sales Flow Transformation reviews.
Garrett Ruskamp brings back some real bad memories with this photo. The summer between my sophomore and junior year, my mom shipped me off to Nebraska to live with my cousins.
Their dad forced us to get a job detasseling.
Now all I see is 4 a.m. alarms, bumpy bus rides to the middle of nowhere, ponchos and cobwebs in the morning, sunburns and chafing in the afternoon.
Has anyone ever worked harder for $4.75 an hour? Doubt it.
I still have nightmares about missing too many tassels and getting stuck with the Rookies instead of making the Studs Crew.
Christian Osgood is not the hero I wanted but the hero I did not need spamming my newsfeed asking me to attend his Multifamily Strategy webinar.
Always with his backwards hat and patchy beard and one eyebrow raised up like The Rock.
Always going on about how single-family homes are about as enticing as a loaded diaper compared to multifamily. Right?
But is that really accurate?
‘Cause begging investors to pour money into a sketchy old motel crawling with bed bugs and bullet holes, then sinking cash into renovations, managing tenants, and waiting 30 years to see a return doesn’t sound all that great, either.