Steve Pieper AMMO Reviews

Polymath Consulting And Publishing

Steve Pieper claims you’re six months away from making a “career income” selling directly to your readers.

A not-so-fun fact: 0.0006% of authors have reached $1 million in lifetime earnings.

Yet, a handful of Steve’s clients have done it in just a few years.

He calls them AMMO authors. As in Author Marketing Mastery through Optimization.

The heck’s that, right? You’re about to find out.

Read on for my Steve Pieper AMMO review.

Why Most Courses Suck

“AMMO is the program I put together to teach authors how to sell directly to their readers, and do that profitably,” Steve says.

And he’s pretty proud of his success rate.

As of last year, 39% of AMMO authors who have been active for a year are now able to do this full time.

What if writing paid your way in life?

What if you had thousands of enthusiastic fans eagerly awaiting your next release?

It’s entirely possible, according to Steve.

He’s had a successful publishing career himself, under the pen name Lars Emmerich.

But it wasn’t until he became an Amazon bestseller that he realized, Wait a minute, if my books are so good, how the hell am I losing money?

That’s when he decided to take matters into his own hands. And he would go on to sell millions of copies of his and his clients’ books.

How did he do this?

Steve would run paid ads, drive people to a landing page, ask for their email, and follow up, always bringing ’em back to a sales page where they could buy the book.

Nothing earth-shattering but by being a nerd and obsessively optimizing each step, he was able to get way better conversion rates than the industry average.

Truth is, most of your images, headlines, ad copy, landing page copy, and email subject lines? Won’t work.

Or at least, not as well as it should. Right?

Most seeds never become flowers; so you need to plant (test!) many seeds.

Guess, test, refine, repeat. That’s essentially Steve’s M.O.

Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization
Why Most Courses Suck

But it doesn’t have to take an eternity and cost a fortune.

Steve can help you find the headlines, images and messaging that gels with your genre’s readership in just seven days using a small budget.

Naomi, who writes in the itty-bitty Christian fiction niche, went from making $25,000 a year, to profiting $189,000 the following year thanks to Steve.

Oh but she wasn’t done. Naomi crossed the million dollar mark a coupla years later.

You may or may not make that much if you enroll in AMMO, but it will help you solve two major problems.

  1. Writing books that don’t resonate with readers.
  2. Creating haphazard and unprofessional marketing.

“What I teach is based on the conversion rate optimization strategies I helped develop, and that I teach to over 100 startup businesses and marketing agencies every year,” Steve says.

Here’s the unfortunate reality:

There are 60 million books available today. It’s hard to even give one away.

Not for AMMO students, though, where the standouts are making tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Why? Because they’re using data and testing to identify what customers want; and then they’re giving it to them.

Inside AMMO, you’ll:

  • Follow step-by-step guidance to set up your direct-to-reader marketing system.
  • Learn a testing process that’s produced over $35 million in results.
  • Test your way to profitable “growth ads” to power your book sales.
  • Benefit from proven landing page templates.
  • Model ultra successful email techniques.
  • Write the books your readers want.

How much does the program cost?

It’s a one-time payment of $997 or three monthly installments of $349.

Steve is a wizard in his field.

If I had books to sell, I’d probably buy his course – even though most of his social proof was from 2019 and his delivery was drier than a desert.

Why Most Courses Suck