Mike Asay: if pickup trucks and Sunday service were a person, am I right? And that side of sweet tea standing next to him? That’s Tara Flynn.
But seriously…
What’s this salt-of-the-earth couple doing in my Facebook feed hawking a make-money-online course?
Let’s plow through this Livestock to Lifestyle review and find out, shall we?
Mike and Tara claim you can multiply your income while working the same or maybe even less hours per week.
Earn active and passive income from a single transaction. Without selling your soul – or worse, the ranch – they say.
But this isn’t for everybody.
You must be willing to try something new, leave your comfort zone, be positive, and actually apply yourself.
If you’re moping around like you just popped a handful of downers, or waiting for a handout? Don’t let the barn door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
Wait… you’re still here?
Well, aren’t you just as stubborn as a mule in a mud pit!
Okay, so here’s the deal.
Mike learned this system despite never having done anything like it before.
He used to juggle several jobs to support his growing family – shoeing horses, working in the oil fields, doing electrical work, and then heading home to put in even more hours.
Constantly tired, never getting ahead – just making someone else rich. Right?
Maybe you can relate. And maybe, with an open mind and a little bit of effort, you can make some money with this, too.
But what even is it?
Mike’s being awfully vague. Says it involves three secrets:
- Secret #1: Buying back time
- Secret #2: Part-time effort
- Secret #3: Digital income made simple
Then he goes over the Cashflow Quadrants from the Rich Dad Poor Dad book.
You know, the thing that separates employees, self-employed folks, business owners, and investors – and how you wanna ascend and never hafta punch a clock again? Yeah, that thing.
And, wouldn’t ya know, this system is your ticket to doing exactly that.
Ruh-roh. It just dawned on me…
This is an MLM, isn’t it? It’s gotta be.

Unfortunately, yeah. Tara just admitted it. Though she wisely called it direct sales, instead.
She knows you’d rather stick a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger with your big toe than get involved with a pyramid scheme.
That’s how they felt, too. They assumed:
- Only those who get in early make the big bucks.
- For everyone else, the commissions are too small and it takes way too long.
- Plus, you gotta act like a used car salesman, turning family reunions into awkward recruiting sessions, right?
But this particular opportunity is different, Mike promises. It’s more like a Costco membership than traditional network marketing.
This one pays from the bottom up so that everyone benefits, not just the few at the top.
And you won’t get stuck with a garage full of products and everyone in your Contacts list dreading your call.
More importantly, as long as you help others succeed, you’ll be well compensated, Tara says.
And no, you’d don’t need to be good at tech or some kinda marketing genius, either.
To demonstrate, they share a testimonial from a rancher in their downline who equates the business to buying a cow, feeding her once a month, and waiting until she starts popping out $500 calves.
Absolute marketing gold.
Now. Here’s what the Livestock to Lifestyle System includes:
- Advertising Basics
- Copy and Paste Marketing and Direct Sales System
- Weekly trainings with six- and seven-figure mentors
- Marketing Masterclass
- Mentoring
How much’ll it set you back? Mike says the total value is around $8,000 but if you apply today you can get it for a fraction of the cost.
Look, I’d break bread with Mike and Tara anytime – maybe over some fried chicken, cornbread, and a glass of full-fat milk straight from the cow. I’d even sneak their dog, Buck, a few scraps under the table.
But join an MLM? Nope. Never.
Q: LivestockToLifestyle.com – I keep seeing similar ads to this on my timeline. Are they all selling the same thing?
A: Yes, if you’re referring to any of the following, I believe they are:
- Country to Cash Flow – LorisCountry.com
Q: Wow, that seems really dumb and unsustainable. Got an alternative for me?
A: Couldn’t agree more. And yes, of course I do: digital real estate. Check out this video.