Dylan Blyuss Review


Dylan Blyuss is over there looking sharper than a samurai sword on sushi night.

Brody says he’d rather become an online closer and make $1- to $4,000 a day selling for other companies than start his own business.

It’s faster, easier, way less risky, and you can profit more while working less.

In fact, the closers that Dylan knows outearn most Fortune 500 CEOs. So store that nugget of knowledge in your brain pantry.

Read on for Millionaire Closers reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

“We don’t have to run a business, manage a team or even handle customer support,” Dylan says.

“All we have to do is wake up, check our calendars and close deals,” he continues. “And then collect $1- to $8,000 commission checks every single day.”

“I get it. It sounds too good to be true,” he admits. “But I’m living it.”

“I’m a millionaire closer and I work with some of the biggest names in the industry. Tai Lopez, Justin Woll and many, many more.”

“These big names hire me to do one simple job: turn prospects into high-paying clients,” Dylan explains.

“And I do this by using a method that I’ve developed closing over $100 million dollars in sales. I call it The Millionaire Closer.”

“This is a counterintuitive approach to making money online that allows you to get a top 1% income no matter where you are.”

“Again, without starting a business or investing a single penny of your money or even creating any product or service.”

“We achieve this by becoming an online closer. And we sell high-ticket services for established businesses.”

With this, you’re free to do whatever you want.

  • Travel the world.
  • Kick it with family and friends.
  • Drugs, blackjack, hookers.
  • Hey, you never know.

But if your goal’s to live a laptop lifestyle – while makin’ more bacon than the average business owner? Dylan thinks this is something you should really consider.

How many business models have you seen come and go over the last few years? Affiliate marketing, drop shipping, social media marketing agencies, etc., right?

Well, guess what, sales never goes outta style.

World Class Sales Agencybo
Why Most Courses Suck

Being able to sell like hell will make you money today, tomorrow, next month, next year, a decade from now.

Dylan will teach you how inside The Millionaire Closer Course.

Within 30 days of enrolling, you can expect to collect your first $500 to $1,000 commission checks. Easy as falling off a log backwards.

Dylan doesn’t care how many times you’ve tried to make money online and failed. This is different.

Anyone can become a millionaire closer.

There’s over 1,254 students in Dylan’s private community doing it right now.

There’s nothing for you to figure out. Simply go through the step-by-step videos, learn and execute.

  • There’s an Objection Killer Framework
  • The mastermind community
  • A library of recorded $5,000+ closes you can study
  • You’ll even get a private 1-on-1 placement session with Dylan’s team

So how much does all this cost?

Less than your favorite drink at Starbucks. Just $2.97.

Yep, not even three buckaroos. And if you’re not happy after going through it, you’ve got 30 days to request a refund.

Hmm. If you’re like me, you’re scratching your head right about now. What’s the catch, right?

Well, if I were in Vegas, I’d put my chips on upsells. And lots of ’em.

Doesn’t mean it’s not worth buying. Just that, if you’re not careful, this $3 purchase could turn into a maxed out credit card real quick.

And the one thing I’d push back on is this:

I don’t think the typical remote closer’s making $1- to $8k a day like Dylan says. Not even close.

Click below for an alternative.

Click until your fingers turn to dust and you’re left with a nubby hand resembling a chewed-up baseball bat.

Why Most Courses Suck