Erica Carrico Reviews


Erica Carrico is the creator of Soul Business Accelerator, where she hand-over-heart promises to take you from wherever you are to six figures and beyond.

If you’re a coach, consultant, healer, therapist, or health practitioner, Erica has a proven roadmap to get ya to $8-, $9-, $10k a month and beyond.

Not only that but have the impact you know you’re destined to have.

Erica built a million dollar business in four years and she’s already helped countless entrepreneurs hit six figures.

Read on for my Erica Carrico review.

Why Most Courses Suck

So what are Erica’s credentials?

  • She was International Coach of the Year 2020.
  • She’s been on the cover on Inspired Coach magazine.
  • Featured in Forbes.
  • Single mom of two little ones.
  • Cancer survivor.
  • And built her business while working a full-time job.

She’s done a lot, overcame a lot, and she knows how overwhelming this can be.

“So tell me if this is you,” she says.

“You’ve followed your heart, created a business, and you’re ready to roll. And maybe you have a website or you’ve created your social media. You’re ready to go,” she continues.

“Maybe you’re bringing in a couple clients here and there. Earning some money. Which is, you know, something that you once dreamed of.”

But, it’s still not going how you imagined.”

“You’re staring at an empty calendar and hearing crickets.”

“You wanna coach or you wanna heal or work with your clients or you wanna speak, but you’re staring at an empty calendar week after week after week.”

“You’re probably sick of doing ‘all the things’ to market yourself and still hearing crickets.”

  • Nobody’s responding to your Facebook posts or your Instagram stories. Embarrassing.
  • You’ve had launches that’ve flopped worse than a fish on a hook. Depressing.
  • Maybe you’ve even put on a live webinar and had nobody show up. Devastating.

It’s like someone parked a Cybertruck on your feelings.

Erica feels your pain, understands your doubts.

Will the business ever take off? Will it make enough to support you financially? Or should you quit dreaming, cut your losses, and settle for the status quo?

If this is what’s going through your mind, you’re not alone.

Soul Mentor
Why Most Courses Suck

Erica’s here to throw you a noodle before you go under.

“This is the game changer, so listen up,” she says.

“Stop doing anything you don’t want to do,” she advises.

“Get off social media. I had four clients last year that hit six figures without even being on social media at all. They don’t even have accounts.”

“So stop posting every day. Stop torturing yourself with those Reels no one’s even watching. Stop sending out emails that no one is even reading.”

Instead? You create one offer, and it has to be sellable.

“It must also be super tangible,” Erica continues. “None of this airy-fairy BS (like dreams and joy) is selling anymore.”

“It has to relate back to the three things that people buy: health, wealth, or relationships. Okay?” Erica says.

It must have a powerful name as well.

For example, Erica’s program is called Soul Business Accelerator: Your roadmap to six figures.

Do you see how clear that is? Instantly you know that you’re saving time and creating money.

Again, vague and weak programs do not sell.

Now for the messaging.

You need to focus on the transformation only. Not features, not benefits. Got it?

From there, you need to get proof of concept. Five to eight sales.

And only then does Erica help you create your simple marketing strategy.

Of which, 80% of the focus will be on external marketing: getting in front of new eyeballs via signature workshops and media mentions.

The remaining 20% will be blogs, podcasts, social media, email list – things like that.

Ads and funnels can be added later, if need be.

Erica teaches that in her upper level program. No mention of what SBA costs, but I’m impressed.

Homegirl’s the queen of the castle, the boss of the boardroom.

Why Most Courses Suck