7 Figure Wholesaling Cartel Review


Nick Perry seems like the kind of guy who makes hissing sounds while shadow boxing in front of the mirror. 

Tattoos, TRT, and grindset hustle?

It’s like Wes Watson and Garrett J. White had a baby and fed it nothing but pre-workout and podcast clips.

Nick claims he’s an eight-figure entrepreneur splitting time between Cancun and Austin, ready to help you scale to $500k or more per month.

I hope he promised that after polishing off his fourth Lagunitas IPA and letting out a big belch, because half a million a month? Please. Are you drunk?

Read on for my 7 Figure Wholesaling Cartel review.

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Clear seven figures in your wholesale business, 100% virtually, using Nick’s $10 million lead gen and acquisition model:

  • Automatically snag hot leads in any market.
  • Run comps, close deals, and flip properties from anywhere in the world.
  • Use proven hiring systems to build your team.
  • Copy Nick’s process that’s generating 40+ REI deals a month.
  • Net over $1 million a year without getting bogged down in day-to-day operations.

Nick’s selling the American Dream.

You’ll be parking your big car in your big garage and waltzing into your big house to wolf down a big pizza in no time.

But let’s start from the beginning.

Back in 2014, Nick was homeless, working as a personal trainer.

He hustled his way into real estate, grinded it out, and now he’s a multi seven-figure wholesaler.

With hundreds of students, dozens have already become millionaires thanks to him.

Nick explains how wholesalers have relied on the same five plays to get deals for the last 20+ years:

  1. Cold calling
  2. Text and email blasts to cold lists
  3. Direct mail
  4. Bandit signs
  5. Driving for dollars

But that stuff’s as worn out as a crusty futon in a college dorm.

Meanwhile, Nick and his team have figured out how to get great leads faster, cheaper, and much more consistently.

These are nationwide inbound leads – sellers are coming to them, begging to sell their houses, and they’re extremely distressed.

And if wholesaling doesn’t work?

Nick covers novations, creative financing, and fix-and-flips, giving you an exit strategy for almost any situation.

Nick Puppy
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This is how you get ahead, right?

You’re getting a steady stream of red-hot leads at a tenth of the cost everyone else is paying, and you’re converting a higher percentage of them.

Combine that with the right people and systems in place, and Nick assures us it’s easy to clear a million dollars in this business.

Part of Nick’s secret sauce is using platforms like Google and Bing to blanket the entire country with ads.

This unlocks economies of scale by letting the algorithms work with minimal restrictions, making it much cheaper than hyper-local targeting.

And let’s be honest:

Dealing with people who already want to sell is much simpler than trying to convince someone to sell out of the blue, wouldn’t you agree?

Wholesaling Nick’s way is like tapping in for birdie, while others chip from the rough… just to save bogey.

Worried you won’t be able to find buyers?

Don’t be, Nick says.

With tools like Zillow, Propstream, and other software, getting a national list of buyers won’t be a problem. Even in the most rural, undeveloped markets, willing buyers are a cinch to find virtually.

Here’s what’s included in the 7 Figure Wholesaling Cartel:

  1. Nick’s national PPC campaigns ready for you to copy and paste
  2. Their exact SOPs, scripts, and tools to close leads, move deals, and pocket $250k+ monthly
  3. Hiring, delegation, and scaling systems

Nick doesn’t disclose the cost for 7 Figure Cartel, but he personally guarantees a 3x return within 90 days – or your money back.


What happens when 1,000 Cartel members all spam the same ads? Wouldn’t the secret sauce just turn to water?

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