Million Dollar Introvert Review


Demeeka Cobb is the founder of Million Dollar Introvert. You know, for those of you who wear AirPods in public, pretending to be listening to something so nobody tries to make small talk with you.

Her company will help you get five deals under contract with their Social Media Autopilot System in 90 days or less. Or you don’t pay.

“If you’re listening to this,” Deemeka says, “it means you’re interested in closing more deals in your real estate business.”

“Million Dollar Introvert is a market-leading real estate coaching program that helps real estate pros just like you leverage their social media and close more deals on autopilot,” she continues.

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“And we will guarantee you three key results,” Deemeka says.

“Number one, we will maximize your social media presence and help you become the go-to realtor in your local market and on a national level.”

“Number two, we will walk you through our 10x lead magnet and conversion process that will help you generate high quality leads and help you execute at least five contracts in the next 90 days.”

“And number three, we will help you streamline your conversion process so you can set up passive income streams.”

“That way, you can make money without selling a single home,” Demeeka adds.

“And we can systemize all this so it’s on autopilot, and you can focus on scaling your business without cold calling and without door knocking.”

“And those three things we 100% guarantee. So for instance, if you don’t write five contracts in the next 90 days, you don’t pay.”

“Best of all, instead of wasting your time with cold calling and door knocking, we 100% do this with your social media so even when you stop working with us, you have this knowledge for a lifetime,” she points out.

Wait, how’s she so confident? And what’s the catch?

Demeeka claims since 2020, she’s been able to build a seven figure real estate business based solely on social media.

Yes, posting on TikTok and Instagram gets her 25+ pre-approved buyers per month, people.

The leads are hotter than dragon’s breath and they don’t stop.

Demeeka has turned these free-to-use platforms into machines that go to work for her 24/7 so she doesn’t have to.

But she’s not the only one this is working for.

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“My students are experiencing massive results when they implement my framework in their business,” Demeeka will have you know.

“Now, not only are they active on social media, but it’s their top lead generation source.”

“But you’re probably wondering whether or not this can work for you, right? So let me give you two reasons why it will work for you.”

“So number one, brand recognition is key,” she says.

“So the first thing you do is a brand overhaul with all of your social media platforms so that you can stand out amongst the sea of realtors.”

“That way, you can begin generating business based on the authority that you are gonna command in the market.”

“Number two, conversion is key.”

“If clients find you online and you do not understand or know how to convert them from social media? Your business will not thrive,” Demeeka explains.

“So I will help you do that so you can convert clients that find you online into clients that want to work with you, immediately.”

We’re smelling what you’re stepping in, D. What else ya got for us?

The way she sees it, there’s three types of realtors.

  1. The one who plucks all their leads off social media.
  2. The one who hasn’t really committed and so they might get the occasional Facebook DM from someone who’s interested.
  3. And then the one who doesn’t believe it’ll work, so they never even try.

Wanna be the first type of agent? Million Dollar Introvert has you covered.

No mention of cost or what the whole introvert thing was even about, which was disappointing.

Felt like that was a missed opportunity to connect with people who concoct flimsy excuses for why they can never do anything.

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