Desh Singh got me so gay for his hair, I just sneezed glitter. That mane stands taller than Wemby on his tippy toes. The hair gods sculpted this man, stepped back, and said, “Masterpiece.”
Besides being a walking billboard for a textured quiff with a high fade, does he do anything else?
Oh, you know he does.
Desh says he collects over $100,000 a month with credit card automation.
And since it’s passive, he can travel whenever he wants, plucking cities off the map like berries from a bush.
Here’s my Desh Singh review.
According to Desh, businesses lose thousands of dollars a day to credit card fees.
Money that should be staying in their pockets.
But what if there was a way to eliminate those fees for them while creating passive income for yourself?
Desh loves reminding us he makes six figures a month – seven figures a year – off those little credit card machines you see everywhere now.
You know, like the white cordless one the Starbucks chick holds out the drive-thru window while you decide if she deserves a tip or if you’re about to hit ‘No Thanks’ and speed off in shame? Yeah, that one.
Desh and his brother built this business from scratch. No handouts. No shortcuts.
He shows just 10 of his accounts (out of hundreds), casually throwing him $20k a month – without him lifting a finger.
And that’s why he’s qualified to teach you how to do it, too.
Once it’s set up, the money rolls in month after month… after month.
You can do this for:
- Restaurants
- Smoke shops
- Liquor stores
- Hair salons
- Cleaning companies
- Doctors’ offices
- Mechanic shops
Pretty much anywhere people swipe, tap, or insert. But enough about your mom.
So what is it, exactly? Are you asking them to switch payment processors?
Sounds like it.
Desh says the average business you sign up will net you $300 to $1,000 per month. Some do more – it all depends on their size and volume.
Here’s how it breaks down:
A business processing $50,000 per month in credit card sales? You earn 1.5% of that.
That’s $750 a month – $9,000 a year – straight into your account.
Now imagine stacking 10 locations. Boom, $7,500 a month. 50 locations? $37,500 a month. Ooh wee!

And most businesses keep their merchant account for 5-7 years. Meaning this money could still be rolling in when your biggest thrill in life is upgrading to Costco’s Executive Membership.
I still don’t get how Desh eliminates the 3-4% businesses usually pay in credit card fees.
All he says is “cash discounting.” That’s it. No details. Just that glorious hair and perfectly-trimmed beard.
My best guess?
He’s having them mark up prices by 3-4% so cash buyers get a ‘discount’ – but credit card users still cover the fee.
If that’s correct, I’m over here going: Wait, couldn’t they just do that themselves… with their current setup?
Desh sidesteps the elephant in the room and assures us you don’t gotta know shit about sales, tech, or finance to make this work.
Why? Because you’re not selling anything – you’re just ‘saving’ them money.
All you have to do is stroll in and ask, “Are you paying credit card fees?”
“Sure am,” they’ll say.
“Not no more,” you’ll say. Bam. Client for life.
At least, that’s how easy Desh makes it sound.
But hold up. A few questions:
- Wouldn’t they already be locked into a contract with their current processor?
- Where do these credit card machines come from? How much do they cost? Do I have to sign up with some company first, or what? Lemme guess: Desh gets a sliver of all my sales?
- So I’m supposed to cold approach businesses with no appointment?
- You know most of the time the owner won’t even be there, right?
- And if they are, imagine how skeptical they’d be.
- Even if they’re open to it, think about the number of follow-ups it would take.
What’s that? You want me to hit up friends and family now?
Ugh. I’d rather you kill me and use my leathery remains to reupholster a sticky dive bar booth.
But hey, if you’ve got the charm to pull it off, go for it.
Just hope you’re as good-looking as Desh – because without that advantage, good luck.