Valerie Elhurr Reviews


Valerie Elhurr looks as if she’s about to say, “For hair so healthy, it shines.” But no.

She’s here to help you start and scale your own coaching business to six figures and beyond.

Secret #1 is to make friends with failure.

You will fail along the way.

“This is one of the things that I attribute to my million dollar business the most,” Valerie says.

“The way my mentor described it to me is that failure is a river you have to go down. At the end, the mouth opens up into an ocean of success,” she continues.

Why Most Courses Suck

“Most of us don’t have a tolerance for failure. Most of us can’t stay in the river long enough to get to the mouth of success,” Valerie preaches.

“Say you have a goal to get 10 clients and you only get five.”

“Okay, instead of looking at that as a failure, look at it as something that’s factual. ‘I got five clients. This is where I’m at.’ Then make a plan for how you’re gonna get to 10.”

“Stop indulging in negative emotions. Move forward immediately.”

Secret #2 is that doubt and indecision kill momentum.

Remember, doing nothing is doing something. You’ve made the decision to not make a decision in your business.

It doesn’t feel that way, though, does it? It feels safe.

“Let me sleep on it, think it over. At least I can’t screw anything up that way.”

But Valerie would argue, hesitation is more cancerous than benign. It grows, it metastasizes, paralyzing you from taking action.

So, be intentional, seek discomfort, shoot then aim.

It’s the only way progress is made.

Secret #3 is understanding the solution that your clients actually want.

“Like really understanding the solution that your clients want,” Valerie emphasizes.

“And I think this, in and of itself, dispels a lot of indecision. All that indecision around your niche, what your offer should be, it goes away when you know, without a shadow of a doubt, what people love to buy,” she adds.

“Do you know what that is? If you don’t, you need to figure that out.”

“Once I had strong strong belief in my offer, that’s when my coaching biz took off,” Valerie recalls.

Irresistible Offer Challenge
Why Most Courses Suck

“Because I had such strong conviction in my offer ahead of time,” she picks back up.

“Right? And that is what business is. Making offers to solve and provide solutions to clients; whatever they’re willing to pay for to get out of their problem.”

The analogy she gives is like, say you had the cure for cancer.

You wouldn’t be worried about “pushing it on people,” would you?

Or, “Oh my God, what if they don’t want it?”

Right? You’d be like, “What?!? What do you mean you don’t want it?”

So that’s the level of belief you need to have in what you’re selling.

Secret #4 is that growing a six or seven figure coaching business is hard.

If it were easy, everyone would already have one, wouldn’t they?

And nobody would be growing, improving or evolving as a person, as an entrepreneur.

Not only that, but if it was easy, the payoff would be a bit like flat soda: disappointing with no fizz.

Whereas, with this, when you finally hit your income goal and you can quit your job and take care of your family and travel?

Yeah, it will feel amazing because you had to go through hell to get there.

So there you have it.

Valerie’s millionaire “success secrets.”

  1. Embrace failure.
  2. Overcome indecision.
  3. Create an offer people will happily pay for.
  4. And expect (and want) the journey to be hard.

None of it’s sexy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Valerie has an Online Coach Intensive program (cost is $9,000) if you’d like her to mentor you.

Hmm. Her pitch was light on strategy. How does she get traffic, leads and sales?

Why Most Courses Suck