Evolved Agents Reviews

Real Estate ISA

Sam Austin Everett has helped more than 350 real estate agents get more clients by milking the internet for its sweet, sweet nectar.

Many of them doubled their commissions in under nine weeks.

Evolved Agents is the name of Sam’s company.

They used to be an agency, offering done-for-you services; now they wanna teach you how to do this yourself.

They pull in a little over $1 million a year selling their coaching program, Sam brags, though I’m not sure why that’s relevant.

Let’s pop the cork on this Evolved Agents review, shall we?

Why Most Courses Suck

Interestingly enough, this fellow seems to draw heavily from Sam Ovens’ playbook.

From the design of his landing page to how he talks, even how he presents his team – it’s all strikingly similar.

“Imagine a mastermind that focuses exclusively on helping real estate agents scale fast,” Sam Everett (not Ovens) says.

“How? By building an in-house marketing and sales machine so you can focus on higher value activities,” he continues.

“You’ll use online ads and a trained assistant. And everyone’s aligned toward the same goal: profit, client results, and happiness.”

But this isn’t just another course.

No snoozefest lectures here, Evolved Agents is all about getting down and dirty with hands-on implementation and collaboration.

Here’s what it’ll look like.

First, Sam and his business partner, Raul Daian, will set up your ads, connect ’em to your CRM, then walk you through how it all works.

Once the ads go live, hold onto your weave, honey, you should start seeing leads that very same day.

Next is setting up your assistant.

You’ll interview a handful of potential hires, pick the best of the bunch, and get ’em onboarded.

At which point, they’ll start working your leads harder than a personal trainer with a point to prove.

Any promising deals will be served to you on a silver platter.

From there, you’ll get added to the Evolved Agents Mastermind, hosted on the Skool platform, which just so happens to be owned by Sam’s idol: Sam Ovens.

A match made in marketing heaven.

Why Most Courses Suck

A Traditional Agent trades time for money, don’t they?

They door knock, they cold call, they grind like a butcher on a busy Saturday.

And they earn like it, too, rarely breaking six figures a year.

Whereas, an Evolved Agent leverages systems, processes, digital ads, and a well-trained assistant.

As a result, they’re able to break through the six figure ceiling and reach for the stars of seven.

Want Sam to be your Google Maps, guiding you on the fastest route from Traditional to Evolved, bypassing all the traffic jams and roadblocks along the way?

“Doing this together will be a lot faster,” he pitches.

“You’ll make a lot less mistakes,” he promises. “And it’ll be significantly cheaper.”

“And a whole lot more fun, guaranteed. Because we’ve done this so many times. We know the pitfalls, what to watch out for – we basically have the shortcut.”

“Assuming that’s what you want, and you’d like to build an automated marketing and sales machine to double your commissions this year… with my team’s personal help? Let’s talk.”

I noticed Sam was working on a tiny Dell laptop. What kinda marketing guru doesn’t use a sleek, stylish Mac?

And why did Sam conveniently leave out the price of his program?

Oh, right – because that’s what all the marketing gurus do. Keep ’em in the dark and hope they’ll buy anyway.

I was a little hard on Sam.

Not having your own style, not using a Mac, not addressing cost – these are all small things.

Doesn’t mean he can’t deliver on the promise of doubling your commissions.

Why Most Courses Suck