Sean D. Gray Reviews

Sean Backside

Sean D. Gray looks like he’s deep in thought. Wonder what he’s thinking about.

  • Why commercials are so much louder than shows?
  • Should guys under 5-foot-6 be allowed to vote?
  • Why’re they called hands and not booby grabbers?
  • So lemme get this straight: dipping carrots in Ranch is “healthy” but if I take a swig straight from the bottle, all the sudden I’m Sloth from Goonies?

Who knows what’s on his mind. Those are just my best guesses.

Sean’s the founder of SFT: Sales Flow Transformation.

It’s for remote closers who wanna eliminate burnout and overwhelm, and achieve fulfillment.

Keep reading for Sales Flow Transformation reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

I’m gonna show ya how to find your next role in high ticket sales, Sean says. And unlock flow state, even if you’re going through a big transition.

You know that feeling when you’re in the zone? Where things feel effortless and everything you touch turns to gold?

Yeah, well, that’s a state you can actually tap into, Sean says.

And when you do:

  • Burnout goes bye bye.
  • Overwhelm gets erased.
  • You’re pleased with your life.
  • You know you’re on the right track.
  • Passion, purpose and curiosity are all aligned.
  • And you’re truly having fun again.

Reminds me of the one time I got straight As and my parents rewarded me with a trip to the now defunct Mexican restaurant known as Chi-Chi’s.

There are umpteen thousand courses on how to handle objections. Or how to frame your calls. Or do follow-up better.

Grant Cardone, Cole Gordon, Jeremy Miner – all their stuff’s great, Sean admits.

But that’s not what this is about.

Those guys teach you what to say. Sean teaches you how to be.

Or, said different, how to feel, internally, so you can transfer it to the person on the other end of that phone.

Whether this is your first foray into high ticket sales, or you’re going from setter to closer, or closer to manager, or just searching for a better offer to sell, you gotta find flow, Sean says.

To do so, the first thing you need to know is that environment is stronger than will.

If you’re stuck in a house with 10 chain smokers, you might end up smoking. Even if you’re health conscious and think it’s gross, right?

But it can also be a force for good.

Hang around high achievers long enough? And you’ll probably level up yourself.

Sean Dirt Bikebo
Why Most Courses Suck

Sean’s second point is that, no matter what sales interaction you’re having, you will always be the common denominator.

Why focus on skills and scripts and tricks and tools when you can just focus on mastering yourself?

Only then will you be able to find true fulfillment, sustain being a top performer, and get the experience that you’re longing for in this space, Sean says.

But let’s make one thing clear, he adds: SFT is not a placement agency.

While they do have a network of high ticket business owners looking for sales reps, no guarantees.

It’s up to you to wiggle your way into a role that lights your soul on fire. To where every call is enjoyable.

SFT will provide the self-development, sure, but you gotta do the rest.

The good news is that once you’ve mastered yourself and you’re in flow state, you become the obvious choice in the marketplace.

In terms of reviews?

SFT members report having more clarity and peace of mind after going through the program.

Also, more energy and optimism, better overall habits, improved relationships, and loved ones noticing positive changes in them.

Didn’t hear anything about anyone making more money, however.

How much does Sales Flow Transformation cost?

Not sure, but it wouldn’t matter.

I’d rather take my chances as a Boeing whistleblower than do high ticket sales.

Why Most Courses Suck