Kimberly Financial Group Review

Kimberly Headshot

Kimberly Price looks like someone typed “stunning blonde” into MidJourney and hit enhance 20 times.

Homegirl could sell shampoo, colored contacts, and Invisalign all in the same ad. 

And that skin? Damn. Did she vacuum-seal it at birth and throw it in the freezer, or what?

I’d gladly let her ruin my 30s, but I see she just got married.


What’s Barbie doing in my feed? Shouldn’t she be reapplying lip gloss in her G 550, gearing up to fake-laugh over a pear and goat cheese salad with girlfriends she secretly hates?

Read on for Kimberly Financial Group reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

Despite winning the looks lottery, Kimberly grew up an orphan and was homeless by 18.

Instead of becoming a statistic, she landed a sales job and quickly became one of the top reps in the country – closing millions in deals for a Fortune 50 company she never names.

Now she sells courses and offers 1-on-1 coaching to help others climb that same ladder.

As you know, the best salespeople out-earn doctors, lawyers, and even those with master’s degrees.

Not only that, but sales is:

  • Recession-proof
  • Inflation-proof
  • Low-cost to start

Already doing it? Great. Kimberly can show you how to double or triple your income.

That’s right.

Pay off your debt, travel, and indulge in life’s luxuries – it’s all possible with her blueprint.

You’ve heard of NFL players going broke and Powerball winners blowing their fortune and ending up homeless. But that won’t be you – not if you know how to sell.

Kimberly’s confident you can pocket $10k to $50k per month in remote sales, and actually keep it.

It took her 10+ years to master the craft, but you could skip the grind, enter her cheat code, and level up instantly.

Seriously, you guys.

If a girl with no family, who got dropped off at a homeless shelter at 18 can do it, so can you.

Thing is, though…

Every sales program promises big commissions and tells you, “Go ahead, you deserve that new Beamer.” But none of them teach you how to make the money last.

That is, until Kimberly Price struts in – hotter than a grilled cheese on a griddle.

Kimberly Pool
Why Most Courses Suck

Motivation, empty promises, and materialism won’t get you where you’re trying to go, Kimberly preaches. Discipline and strategy will.

Her unique method lets you close deals fast.

Say you’re working a major account that would take the average salesperson six months to lock down; with Kimberly, you’re looking at three days.

Done and dusted.

Welcome to Kimberly Financial Group.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Get in the right mindset.
  • Fake it till you make it.
  • Create unshakeable confidence.
  • Earn huge commission checks.
  • Win in money, life, and sales.
  • Become a top rep for your company or business.
  • Build, protect, and grow your wealth.
  • Make your dream life a reality.

No, you won’t be repeating affirmations in the mirror or told to “just manifest it, girl.”


Kimberly’s gonna drag your ass into the trenches and cover everything from cold calling to door knocking, email prospecting, presenting, negotiating, storytelling, and more.

This should unlock six figures in your first year – like it’s light work, she says.

From there, you’ll tackle saving, budgeting, coming up with an emergency fund, and buying a home.

Y’know, the stuff your deadbeat dad would’ve taught you if he wasn’t drinking his feelings at the townie bar six nights a week.

No word on Kelly Financial Group cost – guess you’ll find out after you apply. Hope you like surprises.

The best student review so far comes from Nayeli.

She went from so anxious she couldn’t sleep, suffocating under $60,000 in credit card debt, to debt-free and on track to buy her first home – all in just six months.

Why Most Courses Suck