Michael Haeri stands six-four, played golf for UC Santa Barbara, and cleans up nice. The kinda guy your aunt gushes over when you bump into him at church.
Speaking of cleaning, he owns Major Maids Home Cleaning in Tampa, Florida.
They’ve been in business for two years, do $40,000 per month in revenue, and Michael only has to work like five hours a week overseeing things.
Good for Michael, right? But what about you?
Wanna build your own remote cleaning business to $10k/mo in the next 120 days?
Then read on for my Growth Cleaning review.
This is for you if:
- You wanna run a high-quality, cash-flowing business from anywhere in the world.
- You’re itching to be an owner instead of an operator.
- You’re ready to hire a team and create systems and processes they can follow to produce consistent results.
- You’re interested in scaling into other services and markets.
- And you want complete control over your time.
That sound like you, bro? Sweet, then scooch closer ’cause Micael’s not interested in repeating himself.
He says you’ve really got two options.
Option 1 – the old way – you can try to figure it out yourself.
You can spend valuable time and money learning on the job, so to speak. And maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll see some profit at some point.
Or, option 2 – the new way – you can learn straight from Michael.
You can launch a remote cleaning business that follows his proven framework. Right? Where you instantly know how to hire and market and sell and scale.
Now which sounds better?
You don’t need to be so smart you can remember your girlfriend’s side dude’s phone number… to know it’s the latter, do ya?
But still, even with Michael guiding you, maybe you’re worried you won’t have enough time to do this.
Well, Michael was putting in 65 hours a week at his W2 when he started Major Maids. That didn’t stop him from hitting $100k in revenue in just six months.
So yeah.
It’s doable, even if you’re swamped with work and kids and trash and laundry and dishes and you’re way past due for an oil change.

Anyways. Here comes the pitch.
Michael says, shortly after joining his Growth Cleaning program, you’ll be able to:
- Create steady, reliable cash flow.
- Build an operationally-efficient business that can scale.
- Continually innovate and improve, especially as technology evolves.
- Hire, train, manage, and hold onto your cleaners and VAs.
- Become an authority in your local service area.
- Master organic and paid marketing methods.
- And expand into other cities while maintaining net margins.
You’ll even have 1-on-1 access to Michael seven days a week to ensure speed and execution at every step along the way.
Worst case? You learn the entire Growth Cleaning Protocol and Michael works with you individually until you cross $10k per month.
Best case? You do it in under four months.
If Michael is to be believed, there’s literally no situation in which you lose.
He dumps cold water on your skepticism with the following Growth Cleaning reviews:
- Nick hit $10k per month in 46 days.
- Michael did the same thing, but in only 24 days.
- Brian did it in 60 days.
- Sam crossed $20k per month in 45 days.
- Noah reached $10k per month in under three months.
- Sean’s now at $12k per month.
- Tyler’s doing $17k per month.
And, well, you get the idea. The Growth Cleaning Protocol apparently works.
There’s a but coming. You ready for it? Here goes.
Cost is $5,800 big ones.
I know, right?
That’s a lot to pay and a lot to juggle just to barely eke out six figures. And these days, shit, you can hardly afford a good drug habit unless you’re a millionaire.