Brook Hiddink Reviews


Brook Hiddink made over $5 million in his first 16 months with his first-ever ecommerce store. Shoot, no wonder he’s drinking espresso martinis. 

His M.O.? High ticket dropshipping. 

He sold products made by luxury brands, for thousands of dollars a pop.

No inventory, no stressing out about shipping, no need to create an actual brand. 

My flabber is officially gasted. Can’t wait to hear more.

Read on as I raw-dog this Brook Hiddink review.

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“What I did was partner with existing brands in the U.S. that customers were already familiar with,” Brook explains.

“And then I advertised their products to the people that were already searching for them,” he says.

Brook just came out with The High Ticket Ecommerce Incubator to help you do the same.

His goal? To get you to $5,000 to $20,000 – in monthly profit – in 24 weeks or less.

Again, you’d be:

  1. Teaming up with popular high-end brands.
  2. Becoming an authorized reseller for their products.
  3. Listing those products on your own Shopify store.
  4. Driving traffic.
  5. And then pocketing $500 or more on each sale.

If you don’t make at least $5k in profit within six months of joining, Brook will assign you your own success coach – who has a thriving store of their own – and they’ll work with you 1-on-1 until you do.

Goddamn. Everyone’s using that guarantee now. It’s so dumb. If you’ve been striking out for six months, why play extra innings?

But I digress.

The old way of dropshipping?

  • You sell cheap $20 products.
  • Shipping takes forever ’cause they’re coming all the way from China.
  • Half the time, the products arrive broken.
  • You get angry customers and chargebacks.
  • You usually only have one product listed in your store.
  • Sales are inconsistent.
  • It’s not scalable or sustainable.

Which is basically every stupid dropshipping challenge you see on YouTube, innit? Well, disregard.

Those guys don’t care about your success, Brook says. They just want views, ad revenue and course sales.

But when you work with Brook?

  • You’ll be selling $5,000+ products.
  • Shipping is domestic, and therefore, fast.
  • These are luxury items customers will love.
  • You’ll get 5-star reviews and raving fans.
  • Your store will have thousands of products listed.
  • This leads to consistent, stable growth.
  • And there’s limitless scalability.

So which method would you rather do? Exactly.

Brook Dubai
Why Most Courses Suck

This business model allowed Brook to drop outta law school (in his final year), move to Dubai, retire his parents, and literally live the life of his dreams.

Which apparently includes smashing balls at Topgolf in tight khakis and shiny loafers.

But it’s not just him.

Brook’s collected quite a few High Ticket Ecommerce reviews in the short time his coaching program’s been open.

For example:

  • Jack and Joel scaled their store from $10k per month to $289k per month within four months.
  • Chris went from zero experience to $50,000 in sales in under six months.
  • Christian hit $30,000 per month in just his third month in the program.
  • Nick reached $10k per week in three months.
  • Mike did $35 Gs in three months.

Impressive, but how much was profit? Sounds like they’re running a ton of ads to hit those numbers, so you never know.

But anyways, say you enroll. Here’s how it works.

  1. You get your LLC, your EIN, tax certificates, bank accounts, etc.
  2. They can even hook you up with funding if need be.
  3. Once that’s done, Brook will send you a list of 1,500+ product ideas that cost over $1,000.
  4. You’ll research the ones you like best and then book a call with a Customer Success Manager who’ll tell ya which of your picks have the most potential.
  5. Now find suppliers for those products, call ’em up and ask if you can be a reseller.
  6. Next, set up a Shopify store and list all of your approved products.
  7. Then launch Google ads.
  8. Then begin doing SEO and building an email list – to create a moat around your business.

How much does The High Ticket Ecom Incubator cost?

“Less than you’ll make from closing one good supplier,” Brook says, sidestepping the question like a matador.

Don’t worry, Reddit had the answer: it’s $6k.

Plus you’ll need a decent ad budget on top of that.

As for my thoughts on high ticket dropshipping?

I wouldn’t throw it back if I caught it fishing, but I’m not mounting it on my wall, either.

I’m content doing what I’m doing. Tap below.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: Brook Hiddink age?

A: He’s 28. And don’t ask me his height because I don’t know it. If I had to guess, it’s somewhere between “so short I’d jump on him and act as a human shield if someone started shooting up the place” and 5’9″.

Q: Brook Hiddink net worth?

A: Why, are you trying to be his next ex-wife? He says he’s made $15 million online so far. But dude spends money like it’s sitting in his flex account and the year’s almost up, so I bet it’s not as crazy as you’d think.

Q: What’s the name of Brook’s store?

A: Like Banksy’s identity, we’ll probably never know. But between copycats and people messing with it, I get why he keeps it on the DL.

Q: Anyone complaining about Brook on Reddit, Trustpilot, or the Better Business Bureau?

A: Yeah, but it’s pretty mild. For example, while one student appreciated the supportive staff, they griped about high-ticket dropshipping feeling as saturated as a wet sponge. Despite following the HTE playbook to the letter, they said they’ve gotten zero results.

Q: Got any alternatives?

A: Help buyers meet sellers by dominating Google, just like how you landed here. Watch this video to see how it’s done.

Q: What’s the latest with Brook?

A: He recently got married and launched a high-ticket supplier database called Supplier HQ. Now he’s just trying to live every day like it’s a Polo by Ralph Lauren ad.