Max Horenstein could pass for a Rocco. Dude looks like he’d toss you out a 20-story window over a hundred bucks, expressionless as you smack the pavement and become meatloaf.
Under Marital Status, if there’s no box for “Hit it and quit it,” I imagine he just checks “Single.”
Probably had a full sleeve tattoo until the lower half saw his fist and vanished.
A couple years ago Max was running ads telling us Airbnb arbitrage was how he went from $0 to $30k/month. Now he says it’s land flipping.
Kinda sus, huh?
Read on for Land Flipping System reviews.
Max has the audacity to kick off his pitch pointing out how everyone’s suddenly obsessed with real estate: flipping houses, rentals, Airbnbs, wholesaling. No wonder the market’s crowded, right?
Umm, bro. Weren’t you the one pushing Airbnbs not too long ago?
But now he’s all, “Screw all that outdated stuff. What if there was a corner of the real estate industry you could have all to yourself?”
And, of course, you wouldn’t have to deal with:
- Cold calling
- Tenants
- Renovations
- Maintenance
- Or even stepping foot on the property
Are you as hard as a diamond in an ice storm? Me too.
No one’s shocked when Max makes the big reveal: he’s referring to flipping vacant land.
Yep: dirt, in the middle of nowhere. Maybe with a beat-up camper parked on it for the occasional meth cook.
And no, it doesn’t have to be this complicated process with itty-bitty profit margins.
Quite the contrary, Max says. Land flipping’s super simple and highly lucrative.
Plus, you can find thousands of deals with virtually no competition – where each one could be worth $10,000 or more. Right?
Now compare that to your current real estate strategy. Doesn’t this sound better?
You’re goddamn right it does, Max says, calling land flipping the “best-kept secret in all of real estate.”
Then, without a hint of irony, he claims he still does it himself and shares student wins, like Brenda, who just closed her first land deal for $21.8k.

Or Mike, a 9-to-5er, who bought his first plot of land for $90k and sold it for $170k.
Or Aurelio, who flipped his third purchase agreement for an easy $10k spread.
According to Max, here’s what an average land deal looks like:
- You send letters to land owners offering to buy their land for about half of what it’s worth.
- Expect to close 20% of those who call you back.
- Don’t worry, you’re not making any improvements to the land.
- Now go get a local realtor in that area to photograph, market, meet with buyers, negotiate, and sell the property for you.
- You’ll pay them on commission, which is already worked into the offer price.
- A typical deal nets you $10,000.
- Rinse and repeat until you’re an eccentric millionaire with a pet monkey who hopefully never rips your face off.
Okay, who owns this land currently?
Mostly boomers, Max says. They have all this vacant land that they scooped up for pennies on the dollar many moons ago.
Maybe they were gonna build a house on it but never did. Or they used it for hunting but now they’re too old to maintain it. And their children? Pfft. They don’t want it.
So yeah, they’re happy to cash a check and be done with it.
Who’ll you sell it to?
Campers, hunters, people who wanna build their dream home, people who just want more space away from the city – the list goes on.
What about funding?
Max has lenders you can partner with. They’ll front the money and split the profits when you sell.
Well damn. My man’s covered all the bases.
Here comes the hook:
Land Flipping System guarantees you’ll get your first deal in 90 days or they’ll work with you for free until you do.
No mention of cost.
It’s a strong offer but I still think the origin story’s a little murky. Tough call.