Ben Muresan Reviews

Ben Sitting On His Lambo

Ben Muresan likes to be showy while reminding us every chance he gets how Humble he is.

When he’s not Bible-thumping or making music, he moonlights as a real estate guru.

He sells a program called Humble Nation.

Inside, he teaches his MOFOS framework, which stands for Marketing, Operations, Finance, Organizations, and Sales.

He wants to get you outta the grind, help you build a real business.

Read on for my Ben Muresan review.

Why Most Courses Suck

Most entrepreneurs run away from a job, start their own thing, turn that into a job.

Not on purpose, of course. They just don’t know any better.

Does that sound like you?

Your biggest challenge, then, is mindset, Ben says.

You have to unlearn what Gary Vee’s been telling you about “punting your 20s, just work work work, hustle until your face droops like a bloodhound’s.”

Or whatever Gary says.

Ben begs to differ. It’s not good enough just to work hard, Ben counters. You have to work progressively smarter.

The business can’t be about you. Yes, you started it. Yes, you built it. Yes, you came up with all the great ideas. But you can’t be the product.

Ben had to touch the hot stove just to make sure.

His first company offered janitorial services. Guess who got stuck mopping floors and scrubbing toilets? Yup: Ben.

“Ouch! HOT!” he learned. “I won’t be doing that again.”

So when he launched his real estate investing business, he knew he had to put people, processes, and systems in place.

His job was to think and create, and that’s it.

  • What’s my USP?
  • How can I become a specialist at this and not a generalist?
  • How do I stand out?
  • How do I do more deals?
  • And make more from every deal?

These are the things Ben needed to be spending his time on.

My man’s a great presenter but these Business 101 tips are putting me to sleep.

  • Don’t be a commodity.
  • Work on the business, not in the business.
  • Get organized, create processes, recruit people.
  • You need to make decisions based on KPIs and data.

Had I known my mind was gonna get blown to pieces I would’ve at least brought a broom.

Why Most Courses Suck

If this guy could read a room as well as he could talk, he’d be unstoppable.

Ben, a 90-minute lecture on industry jargon ain’t it, bro. We’re busy. And we’ve got no shortage of gurus to learn from.

  • Grant Cardone
  • Pace Morby
  • Jamil Damji
  • Cody Sperber
  • Kent Clothier
  • Ryan Pineda

And more – all hawking the glamour of wholesaling, fix-and-flips, and creative finance.

Then you’ve got the OGs saying, no no, commercial real estate’s where it’s at.

Peter Conti’s looking for his next dream partner, ya know. And Rod Khleif’s got another multifamily bootcamp coming up.

Oh, and don’t forget the young guns of Airbnb arbitrage – millennials promising six figure months without owning any property.

They’ve got countless courses and coaching programs for us to max out our credit cards with. Right?

So speaking of USP, what’s yours, Ben? Am I missing something? Are you the unsung hero of operations?

If so, kudos for tackling the unglamorous but essential parts of business.

But man, that’s a tough sell. Had I not been writing this review, I would’ve clicked off your video ages ago.

Felt like I sat down at a Mexican restaurant, stomach growling, eager to inhale a basket of salty chips dunked in medium salsa and wash it down with a Pacifico while I hem and haw about what to order.

But then the waiter never came.

That’s what this was like.

So yeah. Humble Nation’s a no for me.

Why Most Courses Suck