The Storage Rebellion Reviews

Mike Arms Folded

Mike Wagner’s hair flows like the soothing sounds of a babbling brook. There may as well be tranquil piano music twinkling in the background when he walks.

Who knew a man’s mane could be ASMR for your eyes?

Wonder what conditioner he uses.

As a complete noob, Mike turned his first self-storage deal into a $1.5 million payday.

Can ordinary garages create an extraordinary lifestyle for you as well?

They sure can, Mike says, and that’s on God.

Keep reading for my review of The Storage Rebellion Insiders Private Mastermind.

Why Most Courses Suck

Even if you’re:

  • Starting with no experience
  • Busy working a day job and being a grown-up
  • And have no choice but to use other people’s money

You can still do this, Mike promises. And now, more than ever, is the best time to get involved.

But why self storage?

  • Time freedom
  • Lifestyle freedom
  • Control over your life
  • Passive cash-flowing asset
  • Unique honey hole opportunity

Plus, you can do this with:

  • No money out of pocket
  • No day-to-day operations
  • No repairs yourself
  • No tenants (like residential or multifamily)
  • No evictions (like residential or multifamily)

Self storage is a big towering farmer with calloused hands in overalls and boots and a John Deere hat that works all day every day so you don’t have to.

Accelerate your net worth in as little as five hours a week, Mike pitches.

A married couple he mentored, Ryan and Grace Casey, bought their first self-storage complex within eight months of joining the program.

It was 1,200 miles from where they lived. They had no issues managing it remotely.

Three years later, they flipped it for over $500k in profit. Rolled that into a second facility that’s nearly doubled in value in a year and a half, conservatively worth $1.3 million today.

And it cash flows over $3,000/mo.

Ryan was able to quit his day job and Grace now has a much more relaxed piano teaching schedule.

Then there’s Ken Holmes who used none of his own money to purchase $3.2 million of undervalued storage assets in his first three years working with Mike.

Today that portfolio is easily worth north of $6 million.

Mike believes it’s headed towards $11 million in the coming years. So save that to your floppy disk and store it in a safe place.

Self Storage
Why Most Courses Suck

The Storage Rebellion community is bursting at the seams with success stories, Mike claims.

People from all different walks of life, scattered across the country, slaying it with self storage.

Then there’s wholesalers.

Slaving away like Indonesian sweatshop workers, aren’t they? And for what?

To maybe get a small check here and there?

One time Mike tried to understand their reasoning but it made his mind spark, smoke and then sputter out, so he said the hell with it.

Now that’s not to say self storage is as simple as making the leap, and then, all of a sudden you’re rattling the ice in your empty whiskey glass at your butler.

There’s plenty to learn. There’s research. Due diligence. Dealmaking. Financing. Closing. Marketing. Management. All that.

But once you figure it out, you’re off to the races.

And sure, maybe you’re not living your best life right away, but a slightly less worse life. And that’s something.

Which is why Mike created The Storage Rebellion Insiders Mastermind.

Here’s what you get:

  • Monthly Insider Mastermind calls
  • Insider Retreats
  • Access to a personal advisory board
  • Two 1-on-1 coaching sessions
  • Invaluable networking
  • And much much more

So what’s it cost? Don’t spit your Dasani out but it’s a one-time fee of $8,000 plus $600/mo.

Actually, go ahead and spit your Dasani out. Stuff tastes like it was sourced straight from bathroom sinks.

But yeah, awfully expensive, innit?

And I have a sneaking suspicion this isn’t as “wide open” or as “hands off” as Mike suggests.

Click below for something more reasonable.

Why Most Courses Suck