Andy Isom Reviews


Andy Isom’s done over $1 million in product sales on Amazon, accrued a magma-hot 1 million credit card points, gained 10,000 faithful followers on Instagram, set up a sleek website, quit his day job, and vacationed his ass off.

He wants you to join him on the Amazon bandwagon, luring you in with drool-worthy stats.

But if it’s so great, why aren’t there more Amazon millionaires lounging on yachts?

Read on for my Andy Isom review.

Why Most Courses Suck

Okay, so Amazon FBA isn’t as glamorous as gurus make it seem. Even Andy admits that.

Thousands of aspiring sellers flock to the platform every single day, hoping to strike it big. Sadly, most of ’em crash and burn more spectacularly than a fireworks finale on the Fourth of July.

What gives?

“After personally coaching and mentoring dozens of students,” Andy explains, “I’ve seen what leads people to success and what causes others to fall short of their goals.”

“Here are a handful of mistakes that’ll cause you to fail,” he says.

First is unrealistic expectations.

Don’t come in thinking you’re gonna launch one product, one SKU, and trade in your beat up hooptie for a new Lamborghini.

Andy and his wife have 40+ products. It took time, sacrifice, stress, and plenty of struggle to get to that point.

You’ll have to build a brand and chip away at it month after month, consistently adding variations and products to the portfolio.

You gotta figure out PPC ads and get those first few sales and earn 5-star reviews and build momentum.

The second thing that holds Amazon private label sellers back is analysis paralysis, Andy says.

Nobody knows what to sell.

His advice? Go for good enough. Don’t chase perfection.

You can stare at Jungle Scout data until your eyes cross and your brain turns to mush… and still feel like crying into comfort food when you see high competition and low opportunity scores.

But it’s not all about the numbers. Andy teaches his students how to look beyond them to uncover buried treasure.

Makes sense. What else?

Selling On Amazon With Andy Isom
Why Most Courses Suck

Mistake three is not having enough startup capital.

Andy recommends at least $5,000, if not $10,000 to launch with. That’s in addition to his coaching, whatever that costs.

But that should get you off the ground, with some sauce left over for marketing.

The moral of the story is, if your bank account is running on fumes, this ain’t the time to be a soaring eagle, it’s time to be a busy beaver. Buckle down, get a job (or a second or third job), squirrel away some cash, and come back when you’ve got more runway.

This leads us to mistake four: not spending enough time or money on marketing.

“News flash!” Andy says. “Amazon wants to make money.”

“And so, if you pay them to show your listing first? They make more money. No different than Facebook, Google, Instagram.”

“You wanna show up at the top?” he says. “Pay for it.”

“Those of us who embrace the challenge (and cost) of advertising are the ones reaping the rewards.”

“We currently spend around $800 per day on Amazon ads. But that profitably brings in thousands of sales for us each month.”

Now for the fifth and final mistake: not having a mentor.

It’s like walking through the jungle blindfolded.

But when you hire a coach or mentor, you’ve got an experienced guide with a machete, carving a path through the thicket of challenges and obstacles, leading you safely to your destination.

And while we’re on the subject of jungles, Andy offers a trio of coaching programs (Piranha, Anaconda, and Jaguar) to help you dodge such mistakes and clean up like a thief in the night on Amazon.

Schedule a call for details and prices.

Why Most Courses Suck