Kayse Morris Reviews


Kayse Morris used to teach English. Now she makes millions teaching teachers how to monetize their skills online – something Kayse started doing a few years back just to cover her Netflix bill.

At the time, she was super busy, had no experience, and wasn’t techie at all. Not to mention, her credit cards were maxed out.

But guess what?

Today she runs a seven figure business working whenever and wherever she wants, and has time for family, CrossFit, and other hobbies.

Read on for my Kayse Morris review. 

Why Most Courses Suck

Kayse was seven months pregnant with their fourth child when she launched her course.

What was it about?

Surprise, surprise: showing other teachers and educators how to make money online.

She had read all the books, studied all the gurus – she was ready.

But she wasn’t expecting much.

Maybe $5k, tops. Even that seemed like a lot of money. It was basically double what she made in a month teaching.

Well, within 30 minutes of going live, she blew right past the $5k mark. An hour later, she’d done like $35k.

Kayse texted her husband – a high school principal, who was at work at the time – and said, “Call me. Now. Everything’s not okay.”

Imagine his shock, especially since she was pregnant!

When Kayse picked up the phone, she was sobbing.

But once she calmed down, she explained that she was crying happy tears because, guess what? There was a hot ball of money rolling right at them.

Fast forward to the end of that first week: Kayse’s $397 course had brought in over $100k.

“Which, ya know, on a teaching salary of $38,000 a year, there is no moment that can compare to that,” Kayse laughs.

“And if you’re thinking, ‘Yeah, but that could never be me,’ like, why not you?” she continues. “I never thought it would be me, either.”

“But I do wanna point out: there’s no such thing as an overnight success.”

“I was giving out free value on a consistent basis for three years before that – just out of service and for fun and enjoyment.”

“I had no idea the universe, or whatever higher power you believe in, was gonna pay me back for all of that.”

CrossFit Mom
Why Most Courses Suck

So take it from Kayse: you don’t need to go get another degree to earn more money as a teacher.

You can take your skills and experiences, package ’em into a beautiful business, run the entire thing online, and enjoy a life that’s better than the one you dream about.

And again, she gets it.

Where could you possibly find the time to do this, right?

When you’re not in the classroom, you’re writing lesson plans, attending staff meetings, responding to emails from high-maintenance parents, and a million other things.

But how can you afford not to find the time?

You’re working too much, making too little. Hell, you’re considering driving for DoorDash and tutoring on the side.

Stop. Sign up for Kayse’s CEO Teacher Income Challenge instead.

Throughout four weeks, you’ll discover a framework for building a strong foundation for your digital teaching business.

When the four weeks is up, you’ll be invited to join The CEO Teacher Membership, which has everything you need to execute what you learned in the Challenge and start making money online.

You’ll get lessons and coaching, templates and tools, and a supportive community.

The CEO Teacher Membership costs $69 a month or $684 annually.

What are current members saying? Good things.

For example, Claudia Elliott had a successful launch of her membership program thanks to Kayse and company.

Her clear message resonated with her audience and the entire process was silky smooth.

She achieved remarkable results with a 5% conversion rate on her sales page, welcoming 49 new students during her launch; and now has 190 and counting.

Why Most Courses Suck