Headhunters Academy Review


Jonathan Kirchner doesn’t need to chop wood; it splits itself – out of sheer respect. The axe is just for decoration.

Jon has a solo recruiting business that pays him $20k to $50k per match.

His Headhunters Academy program will teach you how to do the same.

Even if you don’t have a big budget or any tech experience. And you can automate the whole thing.

Um, is this dude peddling pipe dreams or what? Let’s find out.

Read on for Jonathan Kirchner reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

Quick backstory:

Jonathan graduates college, gets a 9-5, hates it.

Tries ecom. Loses $10k.

Shortly thereafter, he gets fired from his job. Mind you, he’s newly married. They’d just had their first kid. This was not good bro.

But he really didn’t wanna hafta go get another job.

So he decides to make extra money by – wait for it – dumpster diving at night!

Talk about redefining the art of job avoidance. Sheesh.

Anyways. Eventually, he has lunch with a friend who tells him he just made $30 Gs helping someone else find a job.

Sounded better than shooing rats away from a banged-up espresso machine smeared with ketchup. So yeah, Jonathan was all ears.

Turns out, his buddy was working for this recruiting company. Say no more.

Jonathan joins, does well for a coupla years, realizes: I don’t need this big agency, I could do this myself.

So he quits and starts freelance recruiting.

Within six weeks, he gets his first check in the mail for $22,000. And he’s been doing it ever since.

Alright, so how’s this work?

Well, there’s millions and millions of businesses. Most of them wanna grow. To do that, they need more people. The right people for the right position.

How do they find ’em? They don’t. Not usually, anyways.

I mean, they might send out a tweet or something, but that’s about it. They’re busy. They can’t be bothered. But they need it done… like yesterday.

Which is where Jonathan comes in.

He says, “Hey, I’ll send you some good candidates to interview.”

And then, when they hire one of ’em, he gets paid.

That’s recruiting – or headhunting, or matchmaking, or whatever you wanna call it – in a nutshell.

Jon Tesla
Why Most Courses Suck

How much do you get paid again?

It’s usually 20% of the jobseeker’s base salary. So if they get an offer for $150k a year, and accept? You’d make $30k.

And some companies will pay even more: up to 25-, 30-, 35%.

And no, you don’t have to travel all over the country or meet with clients in person.

Everything’s done remotely via laptop and phone.

Here’s the really zoomed out overview of what you’d be doing:

  1. Scour LinkedIn for VPs, CEOs, and Directors – in big cities – who’re hiring.
  2. Slide into their DMs and offer to help.
  3. Hop on a call with anyone who’s interested. Find out what position(s) they need filled, and the credentials, skills, and experience ideal candidates should have.
  4. Now post about the job online, message people on LinkedIn, and screen for anyone who might be a good fit.
  5. Introduce those folks to the company and start scheduling interviews.
  6. Collect checks whenever a match is made.
  7. Scale with messenger bots and paid ads.

That’s basically it. That’s all Headhunters Academy students are doing to earn fat referral checks.

Like Gus, for example, who made $46k in six weeks.

Or Rachel, who just got her first deal for $16,500.

You got next?

Because Jonathan claims you can “make $20,000 per month while clicking buttons at the beach.”

Damn. There’s polishing the truth, and then there’s encrusting it with diamonds.

As far as Headhunters Academy cost? Jonathan’s lips are superglued shut. He wants you on a call first.

That ties in nicely to my rant on the next page.

Tap the button below. It’s must-read.

Why Most Courses Suck