Ashley Krooks Reviews

Ash Sunset

Ashley Krooks says she makes multiple seven figures from her laptop while traveling the world.

Let’s just hope her last name isn’t foreshadowing. 

Also, did Dr. Seuss choose her domains?


One site, two site, red site, new site. 

No but seriously, she says she’s hit 65 countries now (33 in the last three years alone) and helped 1,200+ people just like you start, automate, and scale their own online businesses.

Why do I get the feeling Ash is about to pitch me on a pyramid scheme?

Read on for my Online Empires review.

Why Most Courses Suck

Stuck in a stupid job?

Wish you could make way more money, working whenever and wherever?

Ashley “ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks” has good news.

She’ll help you ditch the 9-to-5 rat race and vacation for a living like she does.

By the time she’s done with ya, you’ll have full control over your schedule, location, lifestyle, and finances.

Ooh, my bones are tingling! Tell me more, Ash.

Apparently, it’s all possible when you “leverage the power of social media,” she says.

And don’t worry, you don’t need a product, experience, or a large following.

Doesn’t matter what you look like, how old you are, or where you live, either. Got a smartphone? Congrats, you’re officially in business.

How’s an extra $2,000, $5,000, or $30,000 a month sound? Like all the uppers in the world?

It’s entirely possible, Ash says, as she flashes these Online Empires reviews:

  • Addy left the corporate grind and now spends entire months country-hopping while building her online business.
  • Brody went from sleeping on park benches post-prison, to becoming a millionaire globetrotter with cool tattoos, hipster hair, and a BMW to boot.
  • Marissa quit her career to run a seven-figure business from her van while exploring every nook and cranny of the U.S.
  • Kim swapped engineering for PJs and baby snuggles, never missing a moment with her newborn.

You don’t know Ash from Adam, but she wants you to trust that this happens all the time.

People from all walks of life are creating wealth online by working smarter not harder.

Speaking of which, don’t you think we’d all be happier if the internet closed for the day at 5 p.m., just like your local credit union?

Ash Sharks
Why Most Courses Suck

But alas, the internet’s open 24/7.

Ash says you should use that to build a brand from scratch and promote products that already sell like hotcakes.

Whenever you make a sale, the company behind the product pays you a commission.

It’s called affiliate marketing.

And if you ask Ash, high-ticket is the way to go. Say you’re gunning for $10k a month but only make $100 per sale – you’d need 100 sales. But if you earn $2,000 per sale, you only need five.

Five sales spread over 30 days? That sounds doable, right?

Pause. You don’t s’pose Ash is setting you up to buy a high-ticket program… so you can sell it to someone else, who sells it to someone else, forever, do ya?

Ding, ding, ding.

Ash reps Online Empires, which hooks you up with 57% commissions – good for $2k to $5 per sale.

Sweet Jesus.

At that rate, you’ll be ATVing through a rainforest, hitting the swim-up bar for a piña colada, and returning to a towel swan on your king-size bed in no time.

Just make sure to document every second and blast it all over social media to reel in the next batch of suckers – oops, I meant entrepreneurs.

Now Ash is telling me A-list celebrities like J Lo, Tony Robbins, Tom Brady, Barack Obama, Beyoncé, and Conor McGregor own and love the products from Online Empires.

I see an FTC notice and a quiet rebrand in OE’s future.

In fact, Online Empires already feels like a rebrand, because good luck finding anything about them on Reddit, Trustpilot, or the BBB.

Ashley really looked straight into the camera, dead inside, and pitched this like her life depended on it.

You know what happens next:

  • Free seven-day trial
  • $99/mo All-Inclusive Training Platform & System
  • And then a bootleg DVD table of upsells totaling, what, like $9k?

Obviously, I’m sitting this one out.

I’d rather get run over by a Rivian and show up as a speed bump on Google Maps.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: Wait, is this the same Ashley who used to be a therapist but got busted for stealing her clients’ credit cards to pay for online psychics?

A: No, that was Ashley Crooks with a C. Wild story though, huh? With both Ashleys, that last name needs a warning label.

Q: Does she go by Ashley Lynn on Facebook?

A: Yes. It’s the page full of travel porn and gag-worthy mantras like “Your life doesn’t change by chance, it changes by choice.”

Q: Do you have Ashley’s contact information by chance?

A: What, is gravity extra strong today? Too much cardio to type her name into Google? No, really, don’t strain yourself. I got it:

  • OhThePlacesAshGoes, LLC
    3077 Clairemont Drive Suite B 256
    San Diego, CA 92117

Q: What’s with all the woo-woo jargon she keeps throwing around?

A: Ash is “trauma-informed” and certified in somatics, part work, breathwork, RRT, NLP, hypnosis, EFT, life coaching, success coaching, and time techniques. Basically, if there’s a course that promises enlightenment for $997, she’s bought it… twice. No wonder she sees nothing wrong with how she makes her money.

Q: Ashley Krooks net worth?

A: She claims $3 million, but after taxes and ads and software and tools and jet-setting like she’s in a rap video, my guess is under a mil.

Q: Is Online Empires associated with Build Your Empire University?

A: Looks that way, but it’s murky. Could be a feeder funnel for OE or just its awkward former self. Either way, the 1-star Trustpilot reviews didn’t hold back, tossing around words like MLM, pyramid scheme, scam, and… overpriced water machine.

Q: So what’s Digital Genius Lab?

A: Another crusty biz opp Ash was hyping on YouTube back in like 2018. Your girl been scheming for a minute.

Q: Same deal for Team Phoenix Marketing and Global Affiliate Zone?

A: Indeed. All designed to trick people into buying overpriced, scientifically sus water ionizers from Enagic. Pretty sure Ashley’s had her dollar-thirsty hands in every one of them over the years.

Q: Are you against high-ticket affiliate marketing altogether then?

A: Not at all. It’s an amazing model. Not having to create a product or do support, but still making $1,000+ per sale? Sign me up. But if you’re pushing garbage with lifestyle marketing and lies (achoo, Ashley), I’m out. If you’re honest, ethical, and recommending something solid, we’re gucci.

Q: How does Ashley get away with this?

A: Because she looks like the sweet girl next door, not some Brogan Paul wannabe flaunting palatial Airbnbs and matte black McLarens. You go, “No way she’s fleecing me for my life savings to fund her next first-class flight.” But you’d be wrong.

Q: Do people like her just have no soul, or what?

A: I think most of them start off innocent. They get roped in because they desperately want the life being advertised to them. It’s an emotional decision to join – not much due diligence, no deep contemplation, just blind hope. But after a while, reality sets in. No one wants these products. Hardly anyone is making money. And they have a choice: admit it’s a scam and walk away; or double down, look dead in the camera, and sell the dream. We know which one Ashley chose, don’t we?

Q: Got an Online Empires alternative for me?

A: Yep, and it’s the polar opposite of what you just witnessed. It involves parking your ass at home, handcuffing yourself to the computer, and grinding out real work for local businesses. Stick with it long enough and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to afford one vacation a year like a regular human. Still interested? Damn. You’re him/her/them. Here’s the video.