Video Business Accelerator Review


Den Lennie wants you to know: great things are possible for your video business; and ultimately, your life.

Back in the day, Den was “just a cameraman.”

He had great skills but didn’t know the first thing about running a business.

So when he started one – outta the small shed behind his garden – and it was pure chaos. Lots of activity, little results to show for it.

He had to change. It wasn’t enough to just be creative.

Why Most Courses Suck

So Den invested $44,000 in a mentor.

That mentor taught him how to win bigger projects. As a result, he was able to work less but make more.

Soon Den and his wife were living the vision board he had put together years prior.

It all starts with figuring out who you wanna work with, and then attracting those clients, screening for the ones who’ll value and respect your time and input.

Okay, how?

Position yourself as an expert in your niche, Den says, and then use Sales Navigator on LinkedIn to connect with these folks.

Create relevant content so they know you’re a sizzling slab of awesome with a side of broccolini.

When done right, prospects will practically sell themselves and happily pay a premium to work with you.

But remember, you don’t have to try and topple these dominoes over all by yourself.

If you’re serious about growing your video business, you can always do what Den did, and hire a coach.

And it just so happens, he’s got a program you can buy.

Video Business Accelerator Uplevel (or VBA Uplevel for short) is a classroom and community for videographers looking to scale to $20k/mo and beyond.

You get step-by-step videos, live weekly Q&A calls, and daily chat support.

Who it’s for?

Emerging video businesses stuck at maybe $3- to $5k/mo.

You should be passionate about helping clients get great results with video.

But you just need help with marketing and closing more profitable projects, more consistently.

“As a videographer who’s trying to grow a business,” Den says, “you are conditioned to play at a certain level.”

VBA Uplevel
Why Most Courses Suck

“You’re programmed to behave in a certain way,” he continues.

“The stories inside you; the internal dialogue; the 5-year-old who’s been, in some way, held back by well-meaning family and friends, right?”

“So building a business is hard on your own.”

“And this idea of hustle? Will only lead to burnout,” he warns.

“We all feel like there’s days we just wanna give up. There’s days we don’t feel like we can do this anymore.”

“If you want to build your production business, it takes time.”

“But it’s easier when you’re surrounded by like-minded people who are a bit further down the road than you are.”

“Everyone here is trying to build something that none of your friends and family tried to build.”

“But if you don’t fundamentally believe that you are good enough, and that you deserve it, you’ll always stay at a certain ceiling.”

“There’s something holding you back.”

“Whatever you want in your life, right now, why aren’t you there yet? What is stopping you from achieving that goal?” Den says, his thoughts dancing around like a drunk squirrel, never quite settling on a point.

Me? I could go for a little less self-help, a little more practical advice.

To be fair, inside the course, it looks like there’s plenty of money-making strategies and insights.

But on the outside, it’s just Den doing his best Tony Robbins impression.

Also, he never says what VBA Uplevel costs. That’s a big pet peeve of mine.

Like, why should I have to suffer through an hourlong sales call just to find out if I can afford the program?

Why Most Courses Suck