Grayson Loupas is dreaming of a future where the taxes are less and the boobs are bigger. Or maybe I’m projecting.
Grayson owns ValueCreator.io.
Value Creator teaches burnt out agency owners how to scale… while spending less time on service delivery and getting better client results.
Grayson claims he now makes $120,000 per month thanks to his all-new “VC Model.”
I dunno, G, you look like you should be modeling new arrivals at the Gap. Are you really the guy for business advice?
Read on for Grayson Loupas reviews.
The agency business model is a trap, Grayson says.
He shut down his $55,000/mo marketing agency. Four months later, he collected $125,000 in a single month.
Not only that but his margins had doubled, he was working less… and absolutely slaying it for his clients.
Who, by the way, were happy to pay him $10- to $15,000 up front.
But it’s not just Grayson. The VC Model works for anyone.
- Peter was stuck at $12,000/mo with his digital agency for tax advisors. Value Creator took him to $32,000/mo in short order.
- Jordan was making $72,000/mo in his agency serving med spa owners. Working with Grayson, he doubled his profit in 45 days. And he just landed an $8,000/mo retainer.
- Johnny shut down his insurance advertising agency, went all in on VC, got to $55,000/mo in only 12 weeks.
This is all about accomplishing more with less. You don’t need a huge team or a big ad budget or to work until you get nerd neck.
Oh, and head to the mall, pick up a hat, and hold onto it, ’cause Grayson doesn’t do any cold outreach.
He gets clients to chase him.
Thank God, because barging into DMs is about as fun as having a staring contest with the sun.
Also, with this, you won’t lose clients after a month or two. They’ll stick around like a cocklebur on a fuzzy sweater.
It’s the same approach guys like Alex Hormozi, Sam Ovens, and Cole Gordon have used to build their empires.
You’re taking all the skills, infrastructures, systems, and case studies you currently have in your agency… and repackaging it for simplicity and scale.

As soon as Grayson switched to the Value Creator Model:
- Three clients signed up for $5,600. All paid in full.
- So he raised his prices.
- The next month, revenue shot up by 147%.
- So he raised his prices again.
- And that’s when he crossed $100k/mo.
- And hasn’t looked back.
It’s got something to do with no longer selling retainers.
Instead of saying, “Hey, I’ll run your Facebook ads for you for $1,500 per month,” why not just sell an outcome?
For example, “I’ll fill your calendar with ready-to-buy leads… and keep it full. Cost is $15,000. Take it or leave it.”
That’s pretty much the extent of Grayson’s pitch.
From there, he asks you to book your free Scaling Session call.
No mention of what his Value Creator course costs, but he says your results are guaranteed.
My thoughts on what I just heard?
I feel like all Grayson did was bring up everything that sucks about an agency and act like this isn’t that.
“Don’t sell retainers, sell the outcome,” he advises.
That sounds great in theory. Like a diet that lets you order Domino’s every night.
But how’s that possible?
Wouldn’t fulfillment be even harder? And what happens when that hefty up front fee boomerangs back with a refund request if we fall short on our promise?
What I do is get leads coming in first… by ranking websites in Google… and then rent those results to the highest bidder.
Tap below.