Adam Lucero Reviews

AL Enterprises

Adam Lucero went from underachiever to Superhuman CEO making $20- to $30,000 per month. 

Adam ran procrastination down the garbage disposal, stocked up on clarity and focus, and erected his dream life.

Assuming you’re not a beginner, lazy or expecting overnight success, he can show you how to do the same.

Would you like to see how? Perfect.

Then keep reading for my Procrastination Killer review.

Why Most Courses Suck

This is a true story.

At age 21, Adam was at the movies when he was ambushed from behind by a crazy homeless person who stabbed him multiple times.

He woke up a week later in the ICU.

Because of the nerve damage, he had to relearn how to walk and talk.

Adam sees your rock bottom and raises you a chef knife to the throat, the lung, and then just about through your entire arm.

He went from that to now, seven years later, he’s never looked, felt or performed better.

The first offer Adam launched on his own brought in $99,000 in like a week.

If you sell a digital product, online course, coaching, a mastermind, or software, and you follow Adam’s productivity principles? You. Will. Thrive.

Healing crystals, chakras, and drum circles? Not required here.

So what is?

First and foremost, Adam says, is goal clarity.

Like Confucius said, “The man who shoots at nothing is sure to hit it.”

I bet Confucius was five-foot-nothing with half a crumb of athleticism. You can’t have brains and brawn.

But anyways.

What you need is a GPS: Goal Planning Statement, Adam says.

Here’s what it should look like: “I will reach [destination] without [roadblock] by [method].”

Whereby destination is your goal; roadblock is what you think might stand in your way; and method is the means by which you overcome that obstacle.

For example, “I’ll make $100k a year, without working 80-hour weeks, by focusing on one offer and one specific marketing channel.”

Once you have your GPS, you just make sure every decision you make going forward aligns with it.

The second thing ya gotta nail is something Adam calls Reverse Goal Mapping.

Procrastination Killer
Why Most Courses Suck

Work backwards from your vision to figure out the exact steps required to get there.

Then do those steps every single day. Impossible not to get closer to your goal.

Third, Adam says, is the Focus 5 Framework.

This is an audit designed around your skills, personality, and aspirations that’ll reveal your five most important pieces of data.

Treat everything else like your kids: just ignore.

Adjust your approach based on those five metrics.

Fourth is Mind Linking.

This is a subconscious attachment to your goals, Adam explains. To where you’re excited to execute on those action steps, not dreading them like leg day.

How? Identify limiting beliefs, trade them for empowering beliefs.

Fifth and final is Leadership Leverage.

Maximize your time, scale your business, grow into the leader you were destined to become.

This involves doubling down on what you’re already good at and delegating the rest.

And there you have it.

It cost Adam years of his life and tens of thousands of dollars to master these principles. Not to mention that whole knife-to-the-neck incident.

Doesn’t have to be that way for you.

You can bully procrastination into submission and march straight towards $20,000+ months with Adam as your guide.

Book a call to learn more about his Superhuman CEO coaching program, find out what it costs, see if you’re a good fit ‘n’ all that.

Worth exploring? I dunno but I like the guy.

He ended his pitch by saying “and you can do all this without getting stabbed in the neck.”

That had me smiling like a dog with two tails to wag.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: Adam Lucero net worth?

A: That’s a little intrusive, isn’t it? What’s next, sniffing his Air Force 1s he’s worn all summer without socks? Besides, only Adam can answer that.

Q: What is The 30-Day Procrastination Elimination Formula?

A: It’s Adam’s crash course on ripping procrastination out by the roots to spark real, lasting change. With upsells, you’re looking at $43.95 at checkout.

Q: Would you buy programs like this?

A: You’d hafta sedate my inner cynic with enough ketamine to drop a horse. Otherwise, I’d just feel like I’m wading through airy-fairy nonsense. Adam’s legit – just not my cup of tea.

Q: Can you recommend an alternative?

A: You could be a filthy, naughty SEO goblin like me. Here’s a video on it.