Stock Navigators Review


Tim Luong and his dad, Tom, use something called Echo Mapping to spot winning investments before they blast off.

Tom escaped Vietnam, came to America without a penny to his name, couldn’t speak a lick of English, never worked on Wall Street, and now makes over $1 million a year with this strategy.

Oh, and he trades less than three hours a day.

Tom’s a certified gangster of the highest order. No question about it, he’s Mr. I Be On That Block. 

But if this father-son duo’s so good at trading, why do they need your money?

Read on for Stock Navigators reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

Alright, what even is Echo Mapping… and can it work for you?

“Well,” Tim says, “I was my dad’s very first student. And I’m not good at math. I’m not some genius or tech whiz.”

“But what he taught me has helped me earn multi six figures in the markets,” Tim continues.

“And it’s not just me. We’ve been able to help thousands of students – most of whom had no trading knowledge – become better, smarter traders.”

“Even if you’re a complete beginner, we can show you how to build true wealth in the stock market,” he promises.

The old way to invest?

Buy big name stocks like Apple and Amazon and hold ’em for decades.

Too slow, too dangerous, Tim claims.

And don’t even get him started on the S&P 500 or Cathie Wood’s ARK ETFs. Or trying to perfectly time some stupid meme coin.

There’s a better way.

And it doesn’t take a fat bankroll or high-risk moves – and y’ain’t gotta be freakin’ Good Will Hunting, crunching numbers all day, in order to cash in.

Even with the economy circling the drain, the Luongs continue to post profits month after month.

“Still, it’s not easy,” Tim admits.

“You have to be using the right strategy and have the right mentor,” he points out.

“My dad spent $130,000 on his education; and still, nobody showed him a way to make money consistently.”

Okay, so how’d he break through? What changed?

The secret was a trading strategy that he invented called Echo Mapping.

This new way of investing will help you:

  • Understand the markets clearly.
  • Know exactly when to enter a trade.
  • And when to take profits.
  • And how to spot an abundance of opportunities to make money.

Said every trading guru ever, right?

Tom Day Trading
Why Most Courses Suck

So, again, why not just keep this to yourself? If you’re rolling in the dough, why bother spreading the love?

Tim basically begged his father to – is the short answer.

So they put on an in-person workshop… and like five people attended. They actually lost money on the deal.

But Tom realized how good it felt helping others and one thing led to another and blah blah blah, now here we are.

Stock Navigators has thousands of students from all walks of life, from just about every corner of the globe.

Echo Mapping (which they never really explain) works with regular stocks, with options, and with crypto.

You can day trade or swing trade.

Honestly, though?

When Tim whipped out his trading account and dove into finding trends within trends, spewing candlestick mumbo-jumbo… timeframe this, confirmation that… higher highs, lower lows?

My brain turned to tapioca.

Hard to believe that the average Joe – with zero trading experience – could learn this stuff in a few hours a week, like they want you to believe.

And let’s not forget, several studies have shown that roughly 80-90% of short-term traders end up losing money over time.

How different is that from gambling in a casino, where playing long enough inevitably results in the house taking all your cash?

Tom’s got a compelling story and Tim’s a stand-up guy, but I need better odds and more control.

The final nail in the coffin?

Stock Navigators costs a whopping $7,800.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: Tim Luong net worth?

A: Surely you’ve seen the Michael Phelps meme: “Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.” Don’t concern yourself with another man’s money.

Q: Tom Luong net worth?

A: This is me glaring at you menacingly from across the street, only to vanish when a bus passes by.

Q: Tim Luong YouTube videos?

A: Yep, looks like Tim’s jumping on the podcast bandwagon with “Timfluence,” where he interviews expert guests to share their insights. Naturally, this ties into his Three Levels Newsletter, where he promotes his three businesses: Stock Navigators, Exit for Profit, and Parker.

Q: Stock Navigators Glassdoor feedback?

A: After eight reviews, they’ve got 3.8 stars, with 75% of employees saying they’d recommend Stock Navigators to their friends. The main con was the lack of job security with commission-based sales.

Q: Stock Navigators course download?

A: I’m sorry you perpetually disappoint your father, but it’s not okay to steal.

Q: What are the main Stock Navigators complaints on Reddit, Trustpilot and BBB?

A: One member was promised a mentor for a year, but that mentor quit without informing them. They were also irked their calls were being recorded without permission. This other chick, Kayla, spent a year disputing the $6,800 her father paid for enrollment, which he regretted just days later. Another complaint warned that Echo Mapping is very risky and emotionally taxing, and that’s why you never see the same traders posting their wins in the Discord. Sure, you might get lucky one day, but you could lose the next three. Guess who’s not losing, though? Tim and Tom. Especially when you upgrade to Active Trader, a recurring subscription that grants access to daily live streams with head instructor Vu, who focuses on momentum scalping.

Q: What’s the best stock advice platform with a price under $1,000?

A: The general consensus is Motley Fool Stock Advisor, which costs $99 for the first year and $199 per year thereafter. But those guys upsell harder than Kanye flaunts that absolute Milk Machine he calls a wife.

Q: Have you ever paid for trading advice or stock picks?

A: God no. Show me a billionaire who made their fortune drawing squiggly lines on charts and trading the one-hour timeframe. They don’t exist. Trading gurus are just fortune tellers armed with technical analysis instead of tarot cards.

Q: How do you make money?

A: You’re looking at it. I rank websites, get traffic, and forward that traffic to business owners for a monthly rental fee. Watch this short video to learn more.