GOATS Win Review


Mario Che can help you become an A-level, six-figure life coach in the next 60 days.

Even if you know nothing about business and aren’t good with people.

It’s the perfect side hustle. Simple, straightforward. It’ll be around for a long time. Works in any economy.

Allows you to achieve financial abundance, freedom and fulfillment.

Mario makes seven figures in his life coaching business; many of his students have already crossed the six-figure mark. Are you next?

Read on for my GOATSWIN review.

Why Most Courses Suck

Back in the day, Mario was at a dark point in his life.

He was making okay money but wasn’t satisfied, didn’t feel fulfilled, didn’t even love who he was as a person.

So he started doing self-development work, which immediately pulled him outta this dark place.

He became more effective as a human being.

He wanted to share what he was learning with others. So he did, for about a decade, for free.

Then the pandemic hit, and the personal development company he was working with shut down.

Mario wanted to continue the work because he needed his “feel good” fix.

He began charging people who were reaching out, asking for his help. Over time, he raised his prices.

His little life coaching side hustle blossomed into a million dollar business.

Today, he’s living the life of his dreams.

It’s been an amazing journey. And now he wants to give this opportunity to you.

Who knows, maybe you’ll end up working with Mario, as one of his coaches.

Wait, so is this like a life coach pyramid scheme?

The more he talks, the more cynical I become.

Mario says you don’t need to be successful in the areas of life you’re gonna be coaching other people on.

For example, he taught other couples how to save their marriage even though he, himself, wasn’t married.

He taught a coupla guys how to build big businesses before he had made big money himself.

Okay, but maybe those folks were just winners. Maybe they would’ve achieved those same results without paying Mario.

To me, it’s unethical to fake it until you make it.

Why Most Courses Suck

Mario disagrees.

He says you don’t need certifications or special skills or experience. Just charge people a crap-ton of money and figure it out.

Your method doesn’t matter.

Simply shift their view or perspective, give ’em a buncha homework, and it’s on them if they don’t get the transformation they’re after.

Your job is to get the yes. Sell them into your life coaching. That’s it.

If you focus on what it takes to get the yes, your coaching will go to the next level and you will be able to create a six-figure coaching career.

I can’t make this stuff up.

Just act confident, Mario advises. “Look, I’ve never done this in my own life, but I’m certain I can help you do it.”

That’s what you gotta say because that’s what they’re willing to pay for: certainty.

The other essential component?

DOSE: dopamine, oxycontin, serotonin, and endorphins – minus cortisol.

Meaning, more happy hormones and less stress, Mario says.

If you can create this more favorable biochemistry for your clients, they’ll do what it takes to get results.

Now he goes for the yes himself.

He says how 81% of life coaches fail in the first three years. Assuming you don’t wanna add to that statistic, you need to hire him as your coach.

How much does GOATSWIN cost?

It’s $10,000!

Jesus. This pitch started out bad, hovered just above awful, then nosedived straight through godawful before crashing into inferno-level terrible.

Why Most Courses Suck