Video Business Academy Review


Nick Metzger has a new way of growing your video business to $10k per month and beyond.

It’s what he uses in his own video agency to average $45k per month, about half of which is profit.

Nick spent $500k on ads, courses, coaches, and masterminds to answer a simple question.  

And that is: What’s the single best way to generate premium video clients?

Read every word of this MoneyTree Consulting review for the answer. 

Why Most Courses Suck

Once Nick cracked the code to client acquisition, his video biz exploded. They’ve now done more than $2.8 million in revenue.

But it’s not just them. Nick and his team have taught 300+ videographers worldwide how to follow in their footsteps.

It’s all about following The 4 Pillar Structure:

  1. Position yourself as an expert.
  2. Get leads consistently.
  3. Systematically close premium clients.
  4. Turn those clients into retainers.

“These four things need to be done in order to build a five-, six-, or seven-figure video business,” Nick says.

For example, when you position yourself as an expert, you can then charge $5k or more per video.

And when you can do that, you’ll have enough money coming in to buy equipment and start building a team.

In terms of lead gen?

Nick has a “Perfect Cold Video Pitch” strategy and a LinkedIn “Trojan Horse” strategy that’ll get your name and brand known amongst your target audience.

Then, once you’ve got the cash flow, you invest some of it into Facebook, Google, and YouTube ads.

Okay, what about closing?

Nick will hand you his seven-figure sales system, along with all the scripts and templates his agency uses internally to make it rain.

You’ll be able to overcome common objections without resorting to sneaky, snake oil tactics.

You’ll close higher-dollar video projects on the regular, and feel good about it.

What about transitioning from one-off sales to recurring payments?

It all begins with effective onboarding and offboarding, optimizing the client journey, and consistently exciting and impressing your video clients, Nick explains.

From there, keep coming up with compelling ideas for ongoing work so clients wanna stick around month after month.

MoneyTree Consulting LLC
Why Most Courses Suck

With Nick’s Video Business Academy (VBA) program, you’re getting so much more than just a course.

Yes, there’s amazing, step-by-step video training.

But you also get one-on-one mentoring, live weekly Q&A calls, daily chat support, plus all kinds of tools and resources to make life easy as you land more clients.

“And the ultimate result of all that?” Nick teases.

“Well, you build a sustainable business that gives you complete freedom to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it.”

“And with whomever you want to do it, right? That’s the cool part about it.”

Nick’s got quite the guarantee, too.

“We double your investment in six months, guaranteed,” Nick announces.

“This is insane, it’s absolutely crazy. You can literally not find another offer, another market, where you invest your money and get a guaranteed doubling of that back,” he brags.

So what’s it cost?

According to this one dude on Reddit who took a sales call with ’em, it’s $5,500.

Pretty steep, huh?

But he does have the guarantee and supposed student results like these:

  • Nick Rau scored a $20k deal. His first big win.
  • Dave McGowan landed a $4k per month x nine months (so $36k) retainer package.
  • Maioro Taylor got a contract signed for $25,000 just for three 1-3 minute videos.
  • Tobias closed a $15k deal and is on track to hit $20k per month consistently.
  • Gabriel got a $12k client.

And there’s more where that came from.

The one negative review I saw was from Tae Tae, on Trustpilot, who, after being in VBA for three months, couldn’t continue because of a family emergency.

He asked for a partial refund, got denied, and now thinks it’s a scam.

Why Most Courses Suck