Nano Flips Review

James Camp YouTube

James Camp buys and sells digital assets to quickly build wealth without a license, loan or any past experience.

The ROI is better than you’d see with stocks, crypto and real estate. There’s less volatility. Less time involved (1-2 hours a day). You can do it from home. And it’s super easy to execute on.

Plus it’s untouched by private equity and venture capital. The major players just aren’t that interested in this, leaving plenty of room for the little guy.

Read on for Nano Flips reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

Alright, so what exactly is James doing?

He’s buying an internet business, holding it, improving it, then flipping it 6-18 months down the road.

So if you need right-now money, this probably isn’t for you.

You must have patience. You must be a real entrepreneur.

If that’s you, James believes there’s never been a better time to get into Nano Flipping, as he calls it.

How he discovered it was, he began blogging as a teen, right?

And eventually one of his articles goes viral on these old school social sharing sites called Digg and StumbleUpon… and he makes a whopping $36.

But it was enough to give him hope.

Plus, he realized there are smarter ways to monetize than plastering ads all over your site.

He dabbles in affiliate marketing next, has some bigger wins but blows it all partying.

Ends up getting evicted from his apartment.

Finds himself on an air mattress at his mom’s place.

Regroups, takes another stab at digital marketing. Partners with a guy on a small finance blog.

They scale it up, acquire some competitors, end up exiting for over seven figures.

Lollygags around for a bit after that, then buys his first online business: a hearing aid brand.

And, same thing. Scales it, flips it, keeps it moving.

James buys some niche blogs next, flips those.

Buys some social media theme pages, flips those.

If felt good. He was in control. He was free. No longer playing someone else’s game.

Anyways, after dozens of Nano Flips, James says little media businesses (content sites) are the best place to start.

James Aegean Sea
Why Most Courses Suck

This is a great model for introverts, for anyone who just wants to put on some comfy clothes and lounge on the couch and make money from their laptop, James says.

Start small, get your legs under ya, build confidence, graduate to bigger deals, he advises.

Man’s got it down to a science, with the precision of a sniper.

His clients and students are successfully pulling off Nano Flips as well.

  • Shane spent $9,500 on his first Nano Flip: a tiny site doing $400/mo. Now, just three months later, it’s bringing in $900/mo.
  • Mike picked up a website for $13,000. Did 10 hours of work on it, let it simmer – today it’s worth $60,000.
  • Tom’s first investment quickly turned into a 30x multiple. These days, his biggest problem is jet lag.

Diamonds in the rough, these flips are.

Sure, if you buy a bad deal, you could take an L, but that’s what James’s course is for – to prevent you from doing that.

Nano Flipping is a lot like house flipping, only without the heavy lifting, toilets, construction, and those godawful tenants.

Common sense tells ya it’s easier to flip a website than a house, right?

The Nano Flips program costs $2,497.

That includes eight weeks of live coaching calls with James, community access, along with some bonuses.

I like it but not as much as building simple sites from the ground up.

Tap below. I’ll mansplain after a short rant.

Why Most Courses Suck