Million Dollar Brand Club Review

Rob Teeth

Robert Oliver (aka Rob The Bank) has the confidence of a damn drag queen. Meanwhile, I’m over here wilting from secondhand embarrassment as I scroll through his Instagram.

I can’t tell if he’s a cowboy or an extra from a 90s rap video, mean mugging the camera with a stack of money the size of a loaf of bread held up to his ear.

He looks like Kev, from Shameless – the one who was married to V and owned the local bar, The Alibi – doesn’t he?

Anyways, read on for my FBA Millionaire Academy review.

Why Most Courses Suck

Rob says you can be a millionaire in 12 months using the ecommerce brand-building strategy he’s perfected over the last nine years.

He calls it Operation Passion Project.

Basically, he white labels physical products in areas he’s passionate about and sells them via Amazon FBA.

It never feels like work to him because he’s operating in niches he enjoys.

Rob takes us through a million-dollar case study: Top Shelf Grind Mushroom Coffee.

Have you ever tried mushroom coffee before? I have. Tasted like ditch water that baked in a hot car for three days.

I’d drink a prostitute’s bath water through a Silly Straw before trying that again.

But back to the case study.

This particular brand of truck stop toilet water racked up 1,100 subscriptions on Amazon in a year and a half, good for about $20,000 per month in recurring revenue.

Rob shows how you can use software like Helium 10 to spot keywords like “mushroom coffee” that get lots of searches on Amazon but have low competition.

Then you can just Google “private label coffee manufacturers” to find a supplier.

Now use a free AI-powered tool like Namelix to come up with a brand name.

Then something like Looka or DALLĀ·E to spin up a logo.

Ready to launch? Sign up with Amazon Seller Central for $39.99 a month.

Send your inventory directly to Amazon. They’ll pick, pack and ship all orders, and cut you a check every two weeks.

Rob Jet
Why Most Courses Suck

Inside Million Dollar Brand Club, Rob leaks his trade secrets for getting lots of great reviews and sending signals to Amazon’s algorithm, letting them know you have a winner and deserve top rankings.

From there, you’ll learn how to plant strong roots so no competitor can knock you off.

To get us throbbing with excitement, Rob pulls up an Amazon FBA revenue calculator.

He plugs in some rough numbers highlighting just how quickly you could be making tens of thousands of dollars a month from one decent product.

But the key is to build a brand, he says. Something you’re interested in. And do it right, not cutting any corners.

Then, when you activate the marketing machine?

I think it was Aristotle who said, “Move, bitch, get out the way. Get out the way, bitch, get out the way.”

Or was that Ludacris?

Either way, I’m sure you’re picking up what Rob’s putting down.

He promises you’re not too late.

Five years from now, will there be more or fewer people shopping on Amazon? More. Way more.

And you’ll wish you had gotten started the second you saw his video.

  • He’s had students go from zero to $100,000 a month.
  • He’s seen people sell their businesses for tens of millions of dollars.
  • It’s a digital gold rush right now: you have an opportunity to live for a living by creating a lifestyle brand.

Per some chatter on Reddit, Million Dollar Brand Club now costs over $10,000 to join, if you’re interested.

I’ll pass, but I gotta say, Rob did win me over somewhat.

Even if he is an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in biscuit dough, baked until golden brown.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: Rob The Bank net worth?

A: Well, he sold his last brand, Genius Supplements, for $30 million, and his new brand, Top Shelf, is already doing $10 million a year. Throw in what he’s making with Million Dollar Brand Club, and I’d say he’s comfortably sitting in the mid-eight figure range.

Q: Relationship status?

A: Word on the street is he’s engaged to be engaged to about six baddies. You’ll hafta slide into his DMs to confirm.