Brandon BP Podcast

Brandon Turner gets to tee off on real estate investors just ’cause he hosted the BiggerPockets podcast?

Or is it the beard – or maybe his love for Jesus – that puts a halo over his head? 

I mean…

Dude interrupted my “Mastering Wilderness Breakfasts | Relaxing ASMR Cooking Compilation” on YouTube just to peddle a course.

I see he’s also got masterminds, live events, even an Open Door Capital real estate fund you can dump money into.

Didn’t we decide Grant Cardone was a scammer for basically doing the exact same thing?

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Chance Wears Hat

According to Liz McKenna who left a 1-star Trustpilot review, Modern Millionaires Chance and Abdul have abandoned their thousands of Leadific app users and students, leaving them high and dry. 

  • They’ve gone radio silent.
  • Shut down their Facebook Group.
  • Stopped providing support altogether. 
  • And Abdul has reportedly fled to Dubai.

Are they in trouble with the FTC? Has a Modern Millionaires lawsuit been filed? 

They have an F rating and 75 complaints over on the Better Business Bureau, so it wouldn’t surprise me. 

Story developing, stay tuned. Original review is below.

Chance Welton wants you to forget about affiliate marketing, ecommerce, and all that other “make money online” garbage.

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Ecom Dudes

Dan Dasilva’s one of those gurus who sniffs out a hot online money-making trend, learns the basics, and then peddles a course or software – or, in this case, an AI trading bot – to cash in.

He rakes in millions while you sob uncontrollably in the bathroom. 

This guy is a modern-day Renaissance man, dabbling in everything from Shopify to affiliate marketing, forex to ChatGPT.

What’s next, space travel? Perhaps.

But for now, the Weerk Capital founder wants to talk about “AI gains.”

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Derek Taylor was working in Hollywood on shows like The Voice and Fast & Furious 7 when he left it all behind to start his own empire.

Since then he’s made over $2.1 million on Airbnb. But not in the way you might think. In fact, he’s been doing the exact opposite of what most gurus are teaching. 

In the beginning he asked himself: How do I make recurring income that shows up in my bank account month after month after month?

It took a while but he figured it out. 

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Real Estate ISA

Sam Austin Everett has helped more than 350 real estate agents get more clients by milking the internet for its sweet, sweet nectar.

Many of them doubled their commissions in under nine weeks.

Evolved Agents is the name of Sam’s company.

They used to be an agency, offering done-for-you services; now they wanna teach you how to do this yourself.

They pull in a little over $1 million a year selling their coaching program, Sam brags, though I’m not sure why that’s relevant.

Let’s pop the cork on this Evolved Agents review, shall we?

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Wyatt Gun

Wyatt Roderick was born in the trenches. Cops are his opps. He once squatted 225 for 3 sets of infinity. If Hank Williams had met Wyatt, “A Country Boy Can Survive” would’ve been a biography.

You better redneckognize.

Wyatt claims he makes over $100k per month at age 17.

He got his dream car – a matte-green Aston Martin something-or-other – before he even got his driver’s license. 

How? At 17, I was either in school, playing Madden, or flipping through Playboys.

And this kid just casually became a millionaire? 

Read on for my 100k AI Agency review.

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Kenji And Letizia

Kenji Asakura and Letizia Alto are the MD couple helping physicians and other medical professionals make their jobs optional through real estate investing.

Wonder if he’s annoyed she didn’t take his last name. I would be. Then again, I’ve got an aggressively-medium wang, so that explains that.


No matter your specialty, debt level, or investment experience, they’ll show ya how to buy great deals, save on taxes, and create wealth through real estate.

They claim this is the fastest way to $100k+ in annual returns.

Hmm. Is it, though?

Read on for my Semi-Retired MD review.

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Andy Isom’s done over $1 million in product sales on Amazon, accrued a magma-hot 1 million credit card points, gained 10,000 faithful followers on Instagram, set up a sleek website, quit his day job, and vacationed his ass off.

He wants you to join him on the Amazon bandwagon, luring you in with drool-worthy stats.

But if it’s so great, why aren’t there more Amazon millionaires lounging on yachts?

Read on for my Andy Isom review.

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Tighe Skool

Tighe Burke is the creator of srch partners, a boutique executive recruiting business for startups.

He’s also the boss with the sauce at Elite Recruiter, where he trains companies to bring their recruiting in-house, saving them time and money.

None of that matters to you, though, does it?

Why you’re here is to learn about hist latest offer: how to find top-tier candidates for companies willing to pay $10-, $15-, even $20k per hire.

Can you really become a recruiter in under 90 days?

Read on for Elite Recruiter reviews.

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Former USAF Captain

Michael Sartain grew up around poverty, gangs and drugs. A few of his friends ended up in prison.

He assumed that’s what high school was like for everyone.

And yet, his home life was solid. Both of his parents were professionals. His grandfather was a professor.

Witnessing this dichotomy, he observed how the journey of hardship stood in contrast to the road to success.

Whatever. He graduates, goes to the University of Texas at Austin, joins a fraternity, right?

Keep reading for my Men Of Action Mentoring review.

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Daniel Fazio Reddit

Daniel Fazio’s the guy in all the ads for Client Ascension. He has good hair and an okay beard. 

He says he and his team can help you get more clients while spending the least amount of time and money possible.

They’ll even give you an ROI promise in writing. If it’s not met, you’ll get a full refund.

Stop logging 80-hour weeks just to go back and forth like an air hockey puck with clients who value your work as much as couch change, Daniel says.

Client Ascension is battle tested by 800+ marketing agencies and B2B business owners.

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Pathfinder Program

Kristin Binford wears those pants like a koala clings to its favorite eucalyptus tree.

She’s a wedding venue owner who books 100+ weddings a year.

Whether you’re an aspiring or established venue owner, whether you wanna host a handful of weddings each year… or so damn many you can’t see straight?

KB’s got you covered like SPF 50 on a sunny day.

And no, you don’t need the newest, shiniest software, or texting automation, or some snobby ad agency that charges a kidney and a spleen to spam brides-to-be on Facebook and Instagram for ya.

Read on for my Kristin Binford review. 

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Dan Coffee

Dan Ryder calls himself DeFi Dan. Looks-wise, if he threw on a blazer and chewed on a toothpick, he’d fit right in at a used car lot.

Then you scroll through his TikTok and Instagram and immediately feel dirty.

It’s mostly just Dan smirking at the camera while overlaid text promises quick riches for no effort.

Eww, nasty. I’ll be power washing my privates if you need me.

No but seriously, what’s this guy about to sell ya… and can you trust him?

Read on for Prime DeFi reviews.

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Tigist Mulatu has a social media game that’s stronger than a glass of bourbon on the rocks. 

She flaunts her designer duds and flawless mansion, and posts envy-inducing family vacation photos, to steal your attention and lure you into some dubious money-making scheme.

But she’s a self-proclaimed Ambassador of Christ, so she must be honest, right?

Then again, we had this “religious” kid named Deion in our class growing up.

“Never lay your Jesus piece face down,” he once told me.

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Matthew Red Polo

Matthew Neer would probably walk away from an explosion without even looking back.

I bet he smokes and knows krav maga – that’s how cool he is.

The former pizza boy had a million-dollar product launch at 24.

He then churned out over 25 bestselling digital info products and software systems, collecting awards on networks like ClickBank, WarriorPlus, JVZoo, Digistore24, and more.

Let’s be real, winning awards on those sites is like being the top salesman at a used car lot – you might move a lot of product, but no one’s thrilled with what they bought.

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