Christina DiNatale Reviews

Stina Dress

Christina DiNatale probably gets some disturbing DMs. “I’d eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” Or, “What I wouldn’t give to see that ass jiggle like Jell-O at a county fair.” 

Stina Poppins, as she calls herself, leverages her hotness to sell life insurance and recruit travel agents.

I know, right? Why not just sell ear-licking content on OF like a normal person?

But no, she’s pitching some scammy travel MLM.

Hope you’re ready to hear about ‘freedom’ and ‘residual income.’

If so, then itsy-bitsy-spider down the page for my Christina DiNatale review.

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You want more time, financial, and location freedom. But you’re busy, aren’t you?

No problem.

Christina can show you how to make six figures in the travel industry. And, she promises: no sweatshop hours, and no stress nipping and gnawing at your sanity.

Plus, you can vacation smarter.

That’s right, there are three ways to benefit:

  1. Save on your own travel. Not just hotels and cruises, either. Think baseball games, excursions, theater, concert tickets – anything that’s fun that you’re already doing.
  2. Earn commissions helping others book their trips. Instead of faceless sites like Expedia and getting the kickbacks, why not you, as a travel agent?
  3. Build residual income. (I think she means: jam people into your downline and hope for the best.)

Believe it or not, it wasn’t always piña coladas and swimsuit selfies for lil miss Stina.

She grew up in Phoenix (“It’s a dry heat”) and dabbled in mortgages before jumping into life insurance sales.

Like most fresh-faced entrepreneurs, she figured success would come quickly and she’d be set for life in no time.

But reality was like, “Oh my God, that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever sawn!”

Christina spent the next few years pounding the pavement with door-to-door sales and in-home appointments, building thick skin and learning to shrug off rejection.

Eventually, she switches to telesales, hits her income goal, and celebrates with a Hawaiian vacation – only to realize, “Damn, this sucks. I’m still chasing leads and taking calls.”

She needed a business model that didn’t rely on her constantly being ‘on.’

That’s when she stumbled into the travel space, opening up a whole new world.

Stina Beach
Why Most Courses Suck

What started as a way for Christina to save money on her own travel turned into the discovery of a system that could retire her early and create a lasting legacy for her family.

She was like, “Hold up, so I can make ongoing income doing what I love, and that income flows to my future kids when I’m gone? Honey, where do I sign?”

That brings us full circle.

Now Christina needs to convince you that her travel opportunity isn’t just a win for her – it can transform your life, too.

Like it did for her teammate Jessica – also gorgeous – who today has a bustling downline of her own, thank you very much.

Her advice?

If this is something that interests you, don’t hesitate to get mentored by Christina DiNatale.

And then there’s Laura, who’s saved over $40,000 on personal travel since joining two years ago.

Not only that, but she’s planning trips for friends and family (absolutely not) and getting paid for it. Every month, like clockwork, she cashes a check for work she did ages ago.

The cherry on top?

A community of like-minded people cheering each other on. Even Christina pops into the group chat – always positive, always uplifting.

Laura swears, Stina will do whatever it takes to make sure you’re successful at this.

What do I think?

I’d rather have a nurse snake a rubber tube up my pee hole and spend the rest of my life pissing into a bag than get sucked into a glorified pyramid scheme disguised as ‘travel freedom.’

Why Most Courses Suck