Chris Reader Reviews


Christopher Reader was a broke college kid living with mommy and daddy not that long ago. He worked part-time at a restaurant, washing dishes in the back.

Now he’s an eight figure super affiliate traveling the world.

And he’s got the pictures to prove it. Always a beautiful backdrop. Always gazing off in the distance, as if he knows something we don’t.

Who’s taking the pictures? I’m guessing he asked them to? How’d he get that deep in thought just moments later?

When I have someone take a picture of me, I just look at the camera and smile. 

I already don’t trust this dude.

Why Most Courses Suck

Chris skips over how he made the eight figures. Acts like it doesn’t matter.

All he cares about is freedom. That, and giving back – helping others. How convenient, right?

Chris has coached thousands of students to success with this mystery business:

  • Ricky was a young father working as a laborer. He joined the program to supplement his income. In his first week he made over $500 profit. Two months later, he was at $6k per month and quit his job.
  • Francisco was a University student living in Chile where the average monthly income is $500. Despite starting with limited cash and English being his second language, he scaled to $50k per week. All thanks to Chris.
  • Nick, another young guy – newly married, expecting his first child – went from zero to $200k per week since enrolling.
  • Jen, a mother of four from Connecticut, joined up after getting laid off from her hospitality job. Her best day is so far… doing whatever this is? $17,000!

Observation one: the screen grabs were from 2021 and 2022. A lot’s changed online since then.

Does this still work today? Your guess is as good as mine.

Observation two: they couldn’t ramp up that fast without paying for ads.

Whether it’s Facebook or YouTube or TikTok, we know the average campaign loses money.

So like, how much did the people above actually profit?

Observation three: Nick had said he was running a diabetes offer and a weight loss offer.

You smell that? (Smells like refunds and chargebacks to me.)

Chris On His Laptop
Why Most Courses Suck

The headline on the landing page says something about using AI-powered funnels.

  • Make as much as $32 Gs a day.
  • Just three easy steps.
  • Robots’ll do 90% of the work for you.

Doesn’t sound sketchy at all, does it?

“I’m looking for people who are serious and ready to make a change in their lives and start an online business,” Chris pitches.

“So I’m looking for only a few more of my dream students who’re ready to take action in their lives and achieve results like so many of our students have reached,” he continues.

“If you believe this is you, then go ahead and fill in the form below. Fill in all the answers so we can see where you’re at and so we can help you as much as possible,” he instructs.

“From there, if you qualify, we’ll give you a call and take you to the next stage,” he finishes with.

Wait, I just noticed the URL. Profit Singularity.

Wasn’t that that scam Mike Vestil was running?

Hmm. Did Mike sell the company to Chris? Is Chris an affiliate for Mike?

What is going on here? Actually, it doesn’t matter.

This is clearly not for anyone over the age of 30 with a shred of common sense. Because then you’d start asking questions like I did.

And you wouldn’t need answers, would you?

The clouds would part and the sun would shine down… and you’d see this for what it is: you paying for Chris’s next luxury villa.

Profit Singularity? I’d rather give your mom’s cat a bath… with my tongue.

Why Most Courses Suck