Rohan K Taylor Reviews

Evergreen Clothing Brand

Rohan K Taylor has a spiritual streetwear brand called 369 Los Angeles that does about $35,000 a month in sales.

Wanna start your own successful clothing brand? Perfect.

Apparelize – Rohan’s new coaching program – has you covered like a black hoodie. 

Before 369 LA, there were many failures. Rohan would launch a brand, crash and burn, and go back to selling cars at a Honda dealership. 

It took him quite a while to find the right balance: a clothing brand that was profitable, scalable and sustainable.

Why Most Courses Suck

Why this business is awesome:

  • You get to create beautiful products that people can wear.
  • You can work from anywhere in the world.
  • You get to work with other creatives.
  • You can make an amazing income doing what you love.
  • People will always need clothes.
  • Regardless of recessions or pandemics or anything else.

I feel like the congregation agrees. Amen and hallelujah!


  • If you have no vision, you will struggle.
  • If you’re only in it for the money, you’ll fall outta love with it.
  • If you’re chasing trends, you won’t have longevity.
  • And if you’re afraid of being judged, you’ll always play small.

The solution?

  • Remove any and all distractions and fears holding you back.
  • Look at all your options and choose one direction.
  • Fall in love with the vision and impact you’re about to have.
  • Ignore all criticism from non-customers.
  • And always be proud of who you are.

Once you have a strong mental foundation to stand on, it’s about surrounding yourself with winners, following a proven roadmap, taking consistent action, doubling down on your strengths, and outsourcing your weaknesses.

One of Rohan’s students, Celine Tran, is a living testament to this.

She wove together her fondness for pups and her passion for all things goth to spin a clothing brand that rocketed to over $10,000 a month in sales.

And she did this all within her first three months of joining the program.

And yes, you read that right – dogs and goth!

Now she’s using what she’s learned to develop an organic dog treat brand.

Shine on, queen!

Why Most Courses Suck

What else?

You need what Rohan calls “full stack knowledge.”

You don’t need to know everything about everything but just enough about everything – and a lot about the important stuff – in order to be dangerous.

Also, Rohan has a team.

He’s got a social media guy, a chick who runs the ads, a customer support specialist, and so on.

Whaddya do in the beginning when you’re broke and you can’t afford to pay people? You leverage software, tools and AI until you’ve got the cash flow to make your first hire.

What about inventory? Don’t start out paying for that, either, Rohan says. Use print on demand instead.

The only money you should be spending up front is on graphic design and maybe some influencer marketing or paid ads to get your first few sales rolling in.

That’s sorta the high-level overview.

Want Rohan to break it all down into snack-sized steps, and be there to guide you, offer feedback, connect you with the right people, answer your questions, and hold you accountable?

So you can go faster, make fewer mistakes, waste less money, have more fun, and be way more profitable?

If so, that’s what his Apparelize program is for.

Cost is $1,997.

You get:

  • A two-hour kickoff call with Rohan
  • Weekly group coaching calls
  • A private community of clothing brand owners you can network with
  • Homie hookups on manufacturers
  • Plus tons of other valuable resources

Honestly? If you’re dead set on having your own clothing brand, I love the offer.

Why Most Courses Suck