Kendall Shaw Reviews

ScaleBold LLC

Kendall Shaw is one of the founders of Ecom PhD, an online university that teaches students from around the world how to build a six or even seven figure lifestyle business through ecommerce.

Kendall got into digital marketing when he was like 13 or 14.

Then he sees Tai Lopez’s infamous Here in my garage ad, signs up for his SMMA course, actually gets some clients but struggles to deliver on the leads he had promised them.

So he ends up pivoting to dropshipping.

Why Most Courses Suck

Goes deep on that. Learns Shopify, learns SEO, learns how to run Facebook and Instagram ads.

Now, with a solid foundation, Kendall has his first big breakthrough. Ends up making $40k in a single month selling t-shirts.

Adds in hats. Does well with that.

Starts a couple different ecom marketing agencies, scales one of ’em past $100k a month in revenue.

Now he’s getting paid to master ecom, which is cool. Does that for a year and a half.

And then launches Ecom PhD. And yeah, here we are.

On why he was so drawn to the internet at such a young age, Kendall had this to say: “Definitely my parents and the environment I was in.”

“Ya know, my dad worked for a lot of big companies in the tech space, in like coding and finance,” he continued.

“So growing up, when I was like three years old, I had a computer in my hands. So I always knew I wanted to get into something technology-related.”

“But I still got sidetracked and went down a path where I was partying a lot, hanging out with the wrong people, doing drugs,” Kendall admitted.

“I actually got in trouble on spring break.”

“And I’m the oldest in my family. So like, I have to set that example for my younger brother and also carry my legacy on.”

“That’s how I’ve always viewed life. Just ’cause that’s how I was raised.”

“So I was like, ‘Alright, I gotta just go all-in on being the best version of myself.'”

“And I was always dabbling in ecommerce,” he recalled.

“Even at 13, I was selling shoes on eBay.”

“And even though most of my early businesses failed, I would just get back up, dust myself off and keep going,” he said.

Kendall Boat
Why Most Courses Suck

Looking back, it’s like, yeah, you can read books and buy courses and hire mentors and take in all this content, right, but if you don’t master yourself – your mind, your habits, your emotional intelligence – you’re never gonna get anywhere.

That’s the epiphany Kendall had.

So when he was dead broke, dreaming of making $10k a month, it finally hit him.

He had to start thinking and behaving like someone who earned $10k a month online, right?

  • That meant waking up earlier.
  • Making better decisions.
  • Consistency.
  • Delayed gratification.
  • Stoicism.

And then, when the money started coming, he didn’t run straight to the Mercedes dealer to blow it all.

He reinvested in himself, in his business, in his team. ‘Cause everybody’s gotta be on the same page, working towards the same goal.

“Honestly,” Kendall said, “there’s so many things I did right, but so many things I did wrong.”

“Hindsight is such a big thing.”

“I wish I woulda hired an accountant earlier, for sure. If I woulda had an accountant when I was 18, I probably woulda saved way more money.”

“The other thing? Is I wish I had implemented systems and processes much earlier on. That’s the only way I was finally able to scale, now with 20+ people on my team.”

“So I’m definitely managing things a lot different these days,” he finished with.

Kendall has an Ecom Starter Pack for $27 you can buy.

The main Ecom PhD course will likely cost $2k or more, with the price going up as they enroll more members.

Kid’s wise beyond his years, but he seems to bounce around a lot.

Will he stick with this project? Time will tell.

Why Most Courses Suck