Next Level Speakers Academy Reviews


Combine the world’s best speaker, Dr. Eric Thomas, with the world’s best speaker trainer, CJ Quinney, plus two other powerhouse public speakers, Jeremy Anderson and Inky Johnson.

Whaddya get?

Answer: the Next Level Speakers Academy 2.0 Guru Coaching Program.

That’s right, these masters of the mic have joined forces to train the next generation of speakers.

To help you clarify, market, and monetize your message so you can command fat fees and grow to six or seven figures a year.

Read on for my Next Level Speakers Academy review.

Why Most Courses Suck

“We’ve gotten to super great heights as speakers – me, ET, Inky, CJ,” Jeremy says, “but we’ve realized, for us to really change the world? We wanna be responsible for training up that next breed.”

“So we came up with NLSA 2.0,” he continues.

“And we all decided to do it together, so we could really enhance the lives of people across the world who are aspiring speakers or current speakers but just don’t know how to get to that next level, to operate at their full gift, share their story, and open up multiple opportunities,” he adds.

Eric, aka The Hip Hop Preacher, chimes in.

“When I started this career over 30 years ago,” he says, “I didn’t have a coach. Ya know, I didn’t have a mentor.”

“Like I learned everything what they call ‘on the job.'”

“And so a lot of the stuff that took me maybe five, 10 years to learn – Inky, five years to learn, Jeremy, ya know, five to 10 years to learn – you’re gonna get that information in a condensed form.”

“You gonna be able to get it in six months, a year.”

“So the more information I got, guess what? I’m making more money.”

“Not only that but my influence is greater,” ET explains, “my impact on the world is greater.”

“So imagine you getting what Eric Thomas has learned in 30 years. You gettin’ that in six months.”

“You’re getting an education, you’re getting the platform, and you’re getting the opportunity to meet with decision-makers,” he points out.

As for Inky, he kinda echoes ET.

When he started, his heart was in the right place but there was so much he didn’t know. So he made lots of mistakes, right?

Thanks to this program, though, you don’t have to.

Why Most Courses Suck

Okay, say you enroll, you go through the training.

How long till you’re knocking down $5-, $10-, $20-, $75k checks for a single speaking engagement?

That’ll depend on you and the work you put it, Jeremy explains.

Some people come in, they’ve been at it for three, four, five years. Can’t get past $2k a month.

And after one training session, wham, they’re at five figures.

Others come in, they’ve only been speaking two or three weeks, and now they’re on big stages, dazzling the audiences with their words.

“When I think about our Speakers Academy, I’m really excited,” Jeremy adds. “Because we get results.”

“I think about Na Tasha Shabazz who worked corporate and now she’s able to quit her job and become a full-time speaker,” he says.

“I think about Dr. Nekeshia Hammond who’s been killing it in the game, speaking.”

“I think about Arletta Allen, getting $10-, $20,000 per speaking engagement.”

“I think about my man Chris Singleton. He did a half a million dollars in one year from speaking,” Jeremy says, sounding like proud papa.

The biggest benefit of joining The Next Level Speakers Academy is you’re locking arms with a community of like-minded individuals to push and challenge you, and support you on your journey.

  • This industry is your ticket to freedom.
  • Command the rates you deserve.
  • Provide for your family.
  • Travel the world.
  • Bless others.

The Academy will put you in a position to do all that and more.

Cost is a one-time fee of $4,000 or five monthly installments of $1,000.

Like the dog out back, I’m digging it.

Why Most Courses Suck