Jack McColl has me questioning my sexual orientation. Hey, sometimes a feller has a few whiskies, makes a pass at another buckaroo, and they end up sharing a tent.
These things happen.
Especially when that buckaroo sports a tan, a man bun, and a smoldering look like that.
But let’s pivot.
You’re here for my Credit Stacking review, not an admission of bicuriosity.
Jack says you can get 0% investment capital to fund any business, be it affiliate marketing, ecom, dropshipping, flipping houses, starting an agency, remote closing, or whatever else.
This is for:
- Business owners or real estate investors who need more money to scale.
- Aspiring entrepreneurs that have a goal or dream, but they need the funds to make it happen.
- Investors that need additional capital to take advantage of investment opportunities.
Are you one of the above? Perfect, Jack says, this is for you.
He perfected this process eight years ago, securing over 30 credit lines totaling more than $500,000 in “fun coupons” within just 14 months.
And he’s got the receipts, press releases, braggadocious Instagram Stories, and a dusty trail of podcast and stage appearances to prove it.
Are you worried this won’t work in today’s economic climate? Don’t be.
With total outstanding credit card balances at a six-year low, this has created a more favorable lending environment with issuers dangling juicier bonuses and sign-up offers than normal, Jack explains.
Not only that, but Credit Stacking students are being approved for record-high limits right now: $50k, $70k, sometimes even $75k on a single card.
Oh, and speaking of which?
The Credit Stacking course will teach you how to do three things:
- Optimize the living hell out of your credit profile.
- Hack the bank and understand the secret criteria for getting approved for stupid-high limits.
- Leverage proprietary credit stacking strategies to lasso yourself at least $100,000 in zero-interest money.
Feeling a deep burning in your loins? Yeah, Jack thought you might.
‘Cause here’s the deal:
- You’re outta money.
- Your current credit cards are tapped.
- You don’t wanna lose control and profit by bringing on an equity partner.
- Personal loans? They come with high interest rates, and they’ll scrub your credit score like it’s being attacked with steel wool.
- Business loans aren’t much better, burdened by hefty fees and, once again, high interest.
So what’s the solution?
Credit Stacking, via 0%-interest, zero-fee, business credit cards, Jack pitches.

Now, I bet you’re wondering: Do snakes have limb envy?
And more importantly, how high does your credit score need to be for this to work?
Jack won’t pin down a specific number, but he’s confident that together, you can nurse your score back to health. Soon enough, you’ll be receiving those glorious plastic rectangles in the mail.
Let’s assume that’s true.
Your next burning question is: How much does the Credit Stacking program cost?
According to a review by Andrew Hunter on Trustpilot, it’s a whopping $9,000.
Exsqueeze me, Andrew? $9,000 American dollars?
Oof, that stings!
Still, if they can really help you unlock six figures in free money, it might be worth it.
Or maybe not. I mean…
Ask Reddit, BBB, BiggerPockets, and Trustpilot, and Jack should rebrand to Complaint Stacking.
Here’s what the streets are saying:
- It’s overpriced information that you could easily find for free online.
- Jack and his team can’t guarantee the success of your business credit card applications.
- They try to upsell you a credit repair service that takes forever and offers mixed results at best.
- And Jack’s too busy flexing his wealth and being an international playboy to bother with refund requests.
None of that changes anything for me.
My favorite hobby’s looking at cars online and never buying them. Why? Me no likey debt. Even the so-called good kind.
So, I’ll pass.
Q: How to get in touch with Jack?
A: Oh, bless your heart. The man’s probably playing flip cup with Ashton and Tanner and the boys before hopping on a PJ to fly-fish Patagonia, but if you think he’ll actually respond to your nonsense, knock yourself out:
- Support@CreditStacking.com
- New Reach, 1 LLC
1050 W Washington St #133
Tempe, AZ 85281
Or, try sliding awkwardly into his LinkedIn DMs. He might even leave you on read.
Q: Jack McColl net worth?
A: The guy’s basically Hansel from Zoolander. A male model bouncing from one epic adventure to the next, like surfing giant waves in Bali or making love to two women in a Buddhist temple. Who cares what his net worth is? It’s all propped up by selling the credit-stacking, travel-hacking fantasy. Meanwhile, you’re shivering in a two-bedroom apartment, refreshing his Facebook group for answers, while he’s out skydiving over turquoise water in Venezuela.
Q: Jeez, jealous much?
A: This is me looking at you for an uncomfortable amount of time without blinking.
Q: Wait, does Jack have a book?
A: Somehow, yes, Credit Stacking: Accelerate Financial Freedom with Business Credit is available on Amazon in Kindle, hardcover, and paperback. It’s sitting at 4.3/5 stars from 89 reviews, but the 1-star review keeps it a buck: no actionable advice, just a pitch for his mentorship program.
Q: Was he featured on Forbes?
A: Not exactly. He wrote a few articles as a Forbes Council Member, which you pay to be on. In other words, it means nothing.
Q: Is credit card stacking illegal?
A: Technically, no – it’s not illegal. But it’s definitely a gray area. Jack’s whole shtick is about applying for multiple credit cards at once to maximize your approval odds, all while trying to keep the banks in the dark. It’s not against the law, but if they catch on, ooh wee, godspeed to your credit limit!
Q: Credit Stacking alternative?
A: I wasn’t about to chug a Dr. Pepper and belch in your face with something else to buy – but since you asked, yeah. Watch this video.