WREIN Reviews

Without Fear Of Her Future

Tresa Todd founded WREIN – as in Women’s Real Estate Investment Network – to help other ladies transform their lives and create lasting success through real estate investing. 

It took Tresa 51 years to figure out, “Oh, maybe promotions and pay raises aren’t the best way to build wealth. Maybe I should become an investor.” 

But investing’s risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. This causes fear. And fear paralyzes you from taking action, doesn’t it?

Well guess what?

Auntie Tresa’s here to run your fear down the garbage disposal. That way, you can walk in your destiny.

Why Most Courses Suck

The way Tresa sees it?

Real estate’s the safest investment you can make in an ever-changing economy.

Women just like you are securing their financial future and creating generational wealth – faster than you might think – by investing in real estate.

  • It’s not as complicated or as challenging as you’ve been led to believe.
  • It’s not just for the already-wealthy.
  • And it sure as hell isn’t just for the guys.

“I figured it out,” Tresa says. “And I wanna help you do the same.”

“I’m passionate about helping women succeed so that they never have to depend on anyone or anything ever again,” she continues.

“Real estate investing was the answer for me. And I’m confident it’s the answer that you’ve been waiting for, too,” she preaches.

And, contrary to popular belief?

Yon’t need money, good credit, a real estate license, or any experience to get started.

Here’s a fun fact.

The average woman needs to save at least $1.4 million to be comfortable in retirement.

And that’s just to be comfortable.

If you’re the type to have a Chanel bag on your arm as you slide into your Cadillac to head to the airport so you and the fam can fly to Maui for the week?

Girl, you’re gonna need a lot more than $1.4 million saved up.

Now consider the average female retiree only has like $54,000 stored away – and it kinda makes your stomach do a somersault.

Think social security’s gonna save ya? Pfft. That’ll hardly cover what you spend at Starbucks in a month.

Womens REIN
Why Most Courses Suck

Tresa throws a helluva pessimism party, doesn’t she?

I’m not a fan of the fear mongering. Just tell us about your programs, T.

Unfortunately, she never really does. It’s just more of the same. Doom and gloom and jargon and lots of tangents.

I think Tresa missed her true calling: politics.

From the looks of it, all WREIN content funnels you to a “Without Fear Of Her Future Masterclass” where you’ll learn “insider secrets” about investing in real estate in today’s crazy world.

Over the course of seven days, you’ll hop on a live Zoom with Tresa and hundreds of other attendees to learn about:

  1. Mindset
  2. Buying properties
  3. Quick profit flips
  4. Long term rentals
  5. Airbnbs
  6. And tax strategies

There’s a Q&A at the end, a private Facebook Group throughout, bonuses, and grand prize drawings.

Cost for all that? Just $17.

You know what they call that in the guru space? A tripwire.

Meaning, an irresistible, low-priced product designed to convert potential customers into actual customers.

After that, the upsells begin. And the programs get real expensive real quick.

“Get in on this Masterclass right now,” Tresa pitches. “Get ahead of the learning curve.”

“Get the exact specialized knowledge the wealthy are using,” she adds.

“This is so safe and so lucrative, you can begin generating wealth fast,” she fibs.

What can I say, the girl’s good.

If Tresa was in the Garden of Eden, both the apple and the snake would’ve been sold in a combo deal for three easy payments of $39.99.

Plus $7.99 for shipping and handling of course.

Why Most Courses Suck