AI Mastery Live Review


Trey Smith thinks you only got like six months left to create an AI business. After that, it’s gonna get crowded.

Start with books, he says. It’s the easiest way to make money with artificial intelligence.

Trey’s made two books so far with AI.

The first one, titled The Money Machine, took all of 15 minutes. It’s brought in almost $47k in sales.

The second one’s called Launch It. It’s done almost $51k in sales.

If you saw the uninspired cover art for these books, you’d be scratching your head wondering why anyone in their right mind would buy them.

Read on for my AI Mastery Live review.

Why Most Courses Suck

No, I’m serious though.

It looks like the dumbest person on Fiverr logged into Canva, cried on the keyboard, and went, “Yah, that’ll work.”

But anyways.

Did Trey use ChatGPT to write these books?

Nope, he says. ChatGPT sucks for writing books. That’s why he developed his own tool:

So you’re telling us Bookle isn’t powered by ChatGPT, Trey?

We don’t believe you.

Not that Trey would care. After all, he’s got a sale to make.

Introducing The 5 Day AI Challenge: launch your AI business in five days flat, he pitches.

That’s right, in five fast days, you’ll learn – directly from Trey – how to build a successful book, website and sales page.

But don’t worry, AI does all the heavy lifting.

Bookle knocks out the book, while Trey’s other software, Autofunnel, whips up the website and sales copy.

What to expect:

  • Day 1, come up with book ideas that don’t suck. Focus is on the hook and angle. Now learn the five things your book needs to make sure people read it. As well as how to brand yourself as an expert.
  • Day 2, have Bookle crank out your new book in mere minutes – one that sounds like you, has your ideas in it, but you didn’t hafta write a single sentence.
  • Day 3, turn your eBook into an audiobook. Choose from dozens of professional voices. Chop it up and use it for podcast episodes or have it be your upsell.
  • Day 4, have Autofunnel spin up a website and sales page for your book. You’ll be able to collect emails, charge credit cards, and keep every dime.
  • Day 5, create AI versions of yourself for social media content and/or to build courses and info products with.

Sounds capital-F fabulous, Trey, but what’s the catch?

Trey With Dog
Why Most Courses Suck

“So as you can see, this five day challenge literally teaches you everything,” Trey recaps.

“When you’re done, you’ll have a book, an audio course, a full-blown website to sell your stuff,” he continues.

“You’ll be able to take credit cards, get leads, everything.”

“And we’re giving you the software during this time – to make it insanely easy,” Trey says.

Oh but that’s not even the best part.

Because Trey’s such a good guy, he’s gonna give you 50% off the normal price.

You heard the man.

Instead of paying $199, you can use the coupon code SAVE to get $100 off, making it just $99 if you buy today.

But hurry, it’s limited to the first 100 people, Trey promises.

Listening to Trey’s like trying to fish a pickle out of a jar: dude’s slippery!

I don’t trust him.

And even if I did, I’m not a fan of what he’s recommending.

It’s just a new spin on peddling private label content. Either way, you’re reselling digital garbage.

And either nobody’s gonna buy it, or you’ll have to exaggerate on your sales page in order to convert.

I’d rather roll around naked in a McDonald’s bathroom.

How ’bout an alternative?

Tap below for a business you can actually be proud of.

Why Most Courses Suck