Arden Kaywin Reviews


Arden Kaywin will take you from totally unknown, struggling to get gigs and auditions, not getting paid to sing, to earning $1,800 per week, or more, from your singing.

All that in just eight weeks.

Arden’s already helped 532 singers, no different than you, get 3-4 times better at singing.

Some had to overcome vocal injuries and setbacks; 100% of ’em were able to develop a style that’s unique to them.

Read on for my Arden Kaywin Vocal Studio review.

Why Most Courses Suck

“You can crush every audition you go on,” Arden says. “That way, you can start earning $7,000 to $50,000 for the gigs that you book.”

“And this works even if you don’t have a huge social media following,” she continues, “even if you have no exposure or nothing major on your resume yet.”

“And it works whether your goal is to be standing in the spotlights of Broadway or standing onstage at the Metropolitan Opera or be the next big pop star.”

How can Arden talk such a big game?

Because of her track record, she says. She feels like no one can touch her when it comes to transforming voices and helping struggling singers become pros.

And when you know how to stand out from the crowd, earning a full time income from singing becomes your new reality.

Arden has a BA and an MA in vocal performance.

She’s been a professional singer and a performance coach for over 25 years, making a living completely from her voice.

In just the past few years, she’s helped over 500 singers just like you.

“My students have transitioned from struggling singers to thriving professionals who make a full time income from their singing,” Arden brags.

“And I have an incredible 98% success rate at helping singers overcome any vocal or even mindset challenges that are holding them back in their career, and getting them to sing at a professional, elite level.”

And yes, you can do this without a huge social media following, without management, without an uncle who’s a record exec, and without any big exposure.

Arden Piano
Why Most Courses Suck

This is like watching a bad infomercial on repeat.

The constant repetition has me wondering whether Arden here is the real deal or just a master of smoke and mirrors.

Nonetheless, she says she wants you to know that, should you work with her, you’re in a safe space.

A space where you can discover your most organic sound, completely free from the pressures of performance, of recording, of school, of whatever drama you’ve got going on at home, right?

You can let go of any expectations you have of what you think you’re supposed to sound like.

“My approach to singing is very holistic,” Arden adds.

“The most important thing a singer learns when first working with me is that their whole body is their instrument, not just their voice. The human body is mother nature’s most effective instrument for producing resonate sound.”

“But so often the way a singer uses the body sabotages their sounds and they don’t even know it,” Arden explains.

“So a large part of the work that I do is to help my students identify and undo those physical habits and those tensions that get in the way of mother nature’s most effective production sound.”

From there, she’ll replace those inefficiencies with a technique that builds upon what your body’s already set up to do.

Oh, and this isn’t genre-specific.

Whatever your lane, Arden ensures you’ll be flooring it with flair and turning heads along the way.

Arden Kaywin Vocal Studio sells a number of services: voice lessons, a two-month intensive program, workshops, vocal producing, healing voices, and more.

She doesn’t say what anything costs.

My jury’s still out.

What had happened, Your Honor, is we drank too many margaritas at lunch – so we need more time.

Why Most Courses Suck