Store In A Week Review


Florian Thompson and his better half scaled several Shopify stores and cashed out for hefty paydays.

After that, folks came a-knocking, asking, “Yo, how’d you pull that off? Can you teach me?”

This led to their NYC-based agency, Hazel Studios, where they’ve since helped 300+ businesses in launching and growing their own ecommerce brands.

They’ve distilled all their hard-earned wisdom into a course called Store In A Week.

Read on for reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

You’ve seen those dazzling success stories on CNBC and the like.

The teenage whiz-kid turns a passion for watches into a $13,500/mo Shopify store, or the YouTuber raking in $1,000 a day, and another skyrocketing their brand via TikTok ads.

They make it seem like a walk in the park.

So much so, you might’ve signed up for Shopify, played around, got overwhelmed, and abandoned your half-finished store.

Sound familiar?

Well get excited! Florian and cuddle bunny are here to guide you to the land of milk and honey.

But what sets a top-notch Shopify store apart?

You have to understand the online world. In contrast to retail, there’s no friendly face to welcome you.

Click a link – bam – you’re “in” someone’s store. A gazillion distractions are vying for your attention. It’s ridiculously fast-paced.

So, you have to capture people’s attention, then swiftly persuade ’em they’re in the right place at the right time.

And, unlike other sketchy stores, yours is the real deal, your products are of the highest quality, and your customer service is second to none, treating everyone like kings and queens.

Exhibit A: Tesla.

Their site is the epitome of minimalism – barely a word, oodles of eye candy, a breeze to navigate, and no-nonsense call-to-action buttons.

According to Florian, you’ve got a mere two seconds to capture someone’s interest.

How? Definitely not by plastering giant chunks of text all over the page.

You want your store to be easily browsable without requiring a read.

Apple is another great example.

There’s no need to rock the boat. Just model the tried-and-true web design principles honed to perfection by the world’s most triumphant companies.

Hazil Studios NYC
Why Most Courses Suck

The good news?

You won’t need to shell out a small fortune to a web designer or wait for months on end for a custom store design.

Shopify has prebuilt themes that stick to this minimalist formula, and they’re a cinch to edit with a drag-and-drop interface.

So, yes, you can be your own designer, saving not just heaps of cash but also precious time.

Consider this: when running a sale, you won’t need to chase down your “web guy” to swap out the homepage image. Just log in and do it yourself. That’s a game-changer.

Bear in mind, nobody understands your business quite like you.

So you need to be the one taking the wheel.

Play around with these tools, become proficient, and avoid being held hostage by freelancers and agencies who want to charge you a fortune plus your firstborn just to tweak a headline and insert a patriotic image for the 4th of July.

Ya know?

Five years ago, sure, that might’ve been your only option. Today, the tech has advanced so much, it’s like having a magic wand at your fingertips.

“Our mission is to help everyone sell online successfully and effortlessly,” Florian says.

“We’ve created something called Store In A Week, and we wanna help you create a beautiful, beautiful store that you can launch fast (in seven days or less),” he continues.

“The store will actually be built by us, but then you’ll get online training to run and tweak and edit your store yourself, as well as access to our private community.”

Cost is $990.

Looks like you’d need an existing product to sell, so probably not ideal for dropshippers looking to make their first buck online.

Why Most Courses Suck