Cayla Craft Reviews


Cayla Craft got rich recruiting people into a predatory MLM called Isagenix. Despite making millions atop the pyramid, she blew it all on material things.

Now she’s rebranding herself as a real estate mogul. 

She sells 1-on-1 mentoring, VIP Days, and a fix and flip training and resources membership called Crafted Deals. 

Can you trust this chick? I bet you’re itching like crazy to find out.

Read on for my Cayla Craft review.

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Cayla was working as a nurse until she had her first baby.

Then she was like, “No, this ain’t it. I can’t do these 12-hour shifts and be away from my newborn that long.”

That’s when she joined Isagenix, becoming a millionaire with them in just two years.

But she didn’t like how she made that million dollars. Who would?

She knew she liked marketing and sales and helping people though.

So she started coaching others on how to use social media to grow their business. Something she still does to this day.

Only, she’s added a few things into the mix: real estate investing, lending, capital raising, even syndications for a fund she’s working on.

It’s a lot on her plate, especially with a husband and three kids, huh?

Sounds like she’s got it pretty streamlined though.

“Right now I have it to where I only work about four hours a week for my different coaching programs,” Cayla says.

“And I have coaches that work under me. And now the majority of my time is in real estate ’cause that’s what excites me.”

Cayla’s new Crafted Entrepreneur brand is focused on coaching aspiring real estate investors, helping them to become accredited, grow their portfolios, and boost their net worths.

Her advice? Niche down.

Whoever you’re serving, whatever deal you’re trying to do, the other person needs to go, “Oh, damn, this is 100% for me.”

Also, write down what you wanna make this year. Now work backwards to figure out your hourly rate.

Then outsource everything you don’t enjoy that you can hire out for less than that number. Groceries, laundry, errands, you name it.

OC Life Coach
Why Most Courses Suck

What if you wanna partner with someone?

At the very least, do a background and credit check, Cayla recommends. This tells you so much about a person, how ethical they are, how they handle money.

“Learn from me,” Cayla laughs. “Don’t do the stupid crap I’ve done, partner with the wrong people, and lose a ton of money in the process.”

Work on your confidence, too.

Cayla doesn’t think you can be successful if you’re unsure of yourself as an entrepreneur.

Don’t fake it till ya make it, either. Develop skills, do hard things, and actually earn the confidence.

What else?

Network. Get outta your comfort zone, talk to other people who are either ahead of you or on their way up like you.

Let ’em know what you have going on. See how you can be of service to them.

When you have no personal brand, no reputation, no warm leads coming in, how else you gonna make stuff happen?

And it goes without saying, but ya gotta execute.

Word is bond, homie. If you say you’re gonna do it, ya better do it.

Cayla holds her kids, her employees, her coaching students – everyone to this. She’s got no time for big talkers. Show her with your actions.

Okay, fine, she grew on me throughout this review. So she joined an MLM and did well at it – I forgive her.

I’m picking up everything else she’s putting down.

Why Most Courses Suck