Fabiana Claure Reviews

Music Business Freedom Guide

Fabiana Claure is a pianist and business strategist for musicians. She’s the creator of The Musician’s Profit Umbrella: a mentorship program that can help you build, grow, and scale your music biz online.

That’s right, create financial and artistic prosperity without working so damn much.

Whether you’re performing or teaching, right now, you’re trading time for money, aren’t you? That’s not scalable and it may not even be sustainable – if you’re on the verge of burnout.

Why Most Courses Suck

“The number one thing you need to think about in terms of building a sustainable, scalable business,” Fabiana says, “is figuring out how to grow it without your direct involvement.”

“Here’s a back story of why I’m so passionate about this topic,” she continues.

“When I started my first business back in 2011, I was doing all of the different roles.”

“My husband and I were actually both cofounders of the school. We marketed the business, we taught piano, we cleaned, we did every single aspect of the business,” she Fabiana explains.

“And after five years of running our business in this way, we were really burned out. And I knew there had to be a better way.”

“And so, the opportunity to move to Texas and build a program at a university kinda fell into my lap. And I decided to go for it ’cause I was ready for a change, I was ready for a new challenge,” she recalls.

“And so we literally had to restructure our music school so that it would continue to run without us.”

“I realized, ‘Wow, we need to do things much different. We need to remove ourselves from the day-to-day.'”

Bit by bit, Fabiana cracked the code.

She realized the importance of starting with the end in mind and working backwards.

Consider the lifestyle you want and your ideal weekday activities. How can you achieve outstanding results for your clients while maintaining the freedom you crave?

Always focus on the long term, Fabiana stresses.

It’s not about enrolling a student or hitting a monthly income goal; it’s about laying the groundwork for thriving year after year.

Delete anything that’s not necessary, delegate the rest, right?

Why Most Courses Suck

Indeed, giving up control can be tough.

You may feel like you’re the only one who can do things right, and the thought of pausing to develop systems and train someone else is as appealing as cutting grass with scissors.

However, this mentality is a snare.

As long as you’re the choke point in your business, not only will you struggle to expand, but you’ll also never be free to indulge in spontaneous Tuesday afternoon pedicures, right?

So scrutinize your schedule.

Which activities should you ditch? Which ones should be handed off to someone else?

Also, it’s essential to lead by example if you’re promoting artistic fulfillment. Don’t you want your students to tap into their creativity? Chances are, you’re not even doing that yourself.

Keep in mind that like attracts like.

To successfully create a recurring system that brings people into your business and maintains a sustainable enterprise, you need to magnetize people through your actions, your identity, your lifestyle, and through your essence.

Really embody those qualities that you wanna see in your clients, okay?

Fabiana’s Musicians Profit Masterclass will provide a customized six- to seven-figure strategy for your music business, ensuring you’re paid based on your results.

Package your talents into an online brand that matches your values and preferred lifestyle.

Finally achieve the freedom to live life by your rules… as you develop a self-sufficient enterprise that operates independently of you, empowering you to delegate and truly embody the CEO role in your business.

Can I be brutally honest here?

This lady’s just spewing jargon without any substance. I feel like my ears are about to bleed from the onslaught of empty words.

Hard pass.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: How much does The Musician’s Profit Umbrella cost?

A: Your b-hole may never unclench, but it’s one payment of $30,000 plus $2,800 per month after the first year. Or you can make 12 payments of $2,800 to pay off the tuition, and then $2,800 per month after that.

Q: Good lord! What do you even get for that kinda money?

A: You’d think she’d include a home studio, but no, it’s just your basic coaching program. There’s an MPU Training Vault, a private Skool community for support, live weekly calls, accountability, one annual in-person event in South Florida, and a Musician’s Marketing Maestro AI assistant, which is probably just ChatGPT with a pretty wrapper on it.

Q: So it’s way overpriced?

A: Look, I’m the type to show up to a function with a Target sack full of Blue Moons banging around. If you think I’m gonna spend $30 Gs a year to listen to Fabiana overcomplicate stuff, you’re crazy.

Q: What do you suggest I do instead?

A: Rank content at the top of Google (like I just did) and collect checks. Here’s how it’s done.