Anything better than when your mom lovingly trimmed the crust off your PB&J as a kid? Who knew that was as good as it was gonna get?
Then again, maybe PBJ Ignite can bring back those carefree days.
In this case, PBJ stands for PB and Josh – the everyday couple you’d see in a riverboat casino smashing max bet on Wheel of Fortune, praying for a bonus spin.
They’re “global business coaches,” ready to take you from burnout to boss-free.
That’s right. Earn passive income while exploring the world – just like them.
Skeptical? Same.
Read on for my PBJ Ignite review.
The Facebook ad I kept seeing features Josh and two other sacks of meat wading in a resort pool, courtesy of some automated system.
Watching three dads awkwardly pitch a biz opp instead of living in the moment might just be your first clue about what this really is.
They all saw a similar ad, signed up for a free webinar, and ended up joining.
Now they’re starring in their own ad, asking you to do the same.
Guess what you’ll be doing next?
One guy admits there’s already 225,000 people in the group. Odds are, they’re all trying out similar ads.
So let’s do the math: either the entire world gets recruited into this thing by next Tuesday, or 99% of people fail while 1% get rich by misleading the masses.
You gotta love how vague they are, too.
It’s a “system” with “training” and “tools” and “coaches” who “mentor you,” so you can enjoy “residual income.”
No experience or tech skills required. All the heavy lifting’s already been done. So easy, any idiot could do it – even you. (No offense.)
So what are you waiting for? Go check out the webinar.
Your online empire is just around the corner.
Life will become one big vacation. Also, think about legacy. The passive income you create will flow to your kids, your grandkids – long after you’re gone.
Sure it will. Because a shady operation like this will definitely be around for decades.
After that free webinar, lemme guess:
You don’t s’pose there’s a cheap digital product to get you in the door, followed by upsell after upsell, until your bank account’s nothing but tumbleweeds and tears, do you?

Shocker: my spidey senses were spot on.
After you opt in, you’re whisked away to a webinar replay where “Mike” bonks you over the head with the usual promises:
- Become your own boss.
- Get paid what you’re worth.
- Take control of your schedule.
- Spend your days with loved ones.
Sound familiar? That’s because it’s the same checklist every make-money-online guru has been pitching since 1997.
Mike says this program opened its doors in 2016 and has since helped hundreds of thousands of people crack into the online space.
Then comes the classic doom-and-gloom spiel:
The world’s changing, AI’s taking over, and customer loyalty and job security are ancient history. Do you have a backup plan for your family? Yeah, didn’t think so.
But don’t worry, they’ve gotcha covered like grandma’s plastic couch covers.
Their comprehensive program has all the sales tools, systems, and training you need to start and grow an online business. Multiple income streams you control, and no one can take away.
No matter who you are or where you’re from, it’s possible – just ask their community.
The presentation is 21 minutes of pure fluff.
“Plug into our amazing system, be coachable and willing to learn, and you’ll be swimming in cash before the next ex-military guy plows through a parade in his Dodge Ram,” is the gist of it.
And yeah.
For the low, low price of $149, you too can unlock your dream life.
My advice? Run!
Look, I don’t blame PB and Josh or anyone else who gets roped into this obvious pyramid scheme.
We’re all sick and tired of working our assess off just to blow an entire paycheck on Verizon, car insurance, and six strawberries.
Easy money like this lures you in – it does.
But make no mistake: this isn’t a business, it’s a ticking time bomb. When it blows, the only thing left will be the mess you made trying to drag others into it.
Q: What’s Reddit, Trustpilot, and the Better Business Bureau say about this opportunity?
A: Reddit believes every course and coaching program is a scam – even the ones that aren’t. So, you can guess how they feel about this. Trustpilot and BBB? I’ll let you go on that scavenger hunt.
Q: Why, what do you mean?
A: Well, all of these cookie cutter funnels lead to the same offer:
- Florence Ng – FlorenceMNg.com
- Amy Thao – AmyThao.com
- Tigist Mulatu – TigistMulatu.com
- Thomas Neal – Thomas-E-Neal.com
- Carrie A. Scott – Ca-Scott.com
- Belle-Ann Digital – BelleAnns.com
- Mindy Cain – MindyCan.com
- Mark Schwitzerlett – MarkSchwitzerlett.com
- Floxy Njide Chukwueze – FloxyChukwueze.com
- Vickie Norman – VickieNorman.com
- Dimma Anichi – ChiDimmaAnichi.com
- Judy Lin Buncio – JudyLinBuncio.org
- Karen L. Giehl – KarenGiehl.com
- Rebecca Rayfield – RebeccaRayfield.com
- Bonnie M. Robak – BonnieMRobak.com
- Himalee & Bhola – HimaleeOnline.com
- Kimberly S. Rex – KimmySue.org
- Stacy Win & Ryan – StacyWinAndRyan.com
- Nick & Charity – NicholasAndCharity.com
- Nilar & Steven – NilarAndSteven.co.uk
- Grow With Padma – PadmaGunturi.com
- Glory Hills Digital – GloryHills.net
- Ellen G. James – JamesEllenG.com
- Fola Lash – FolaSekan.com
- Chinwe J. Enendu – CJEnendu.com
- Liz Stivers – LizStivers.com
- Pen Galvey – GalveyPen.com
- Holly Blochowitz – DoThisToday.com
- Anastacia Kennett – Beth-Oliver.com
- Cherry Jiloca – CherryJiloca.com
- Gladys Perez – GladysPerez.org
- Carol Abdul Mak – CarolAbdul.com
- Katrina Luna-Umali – KatrinaLunaUmali.com
- Mari-Anne Miller – MariannemMiller.info
- Marsha Badertscher – DavidAndMarsha.com
- Emma Blaquera – EmmaBlaquera.org
- Beyond Blessed Sandy Davis – BeyondBlessedSandyDavis.com
- Betty Rae – BettyRae.ca
- Success With Shruti – ShrutiGupta.net
- Lorna Labasan – LornaLabasan.com
- My & Riff Lifestyle – MyleneBlessedLife.com
- Sarah C. Segard – SarahSegard.com
- The Alegre’s – SherylAndJohn.com
- Jackie Woodward Beck – BecksInfluencingTomorrow.com
- Warren & Angel – WarrenAndAngel.com
- Linda Yang – LindaYang.net
- Yeng Vang – YengVang.com
Q: Damn, seems like a race to the bottom, doesn’t it?
A: Not to be that guy, but… I TOLD YA!
Q: What’s a legit way to make money remotely?
A: For starters, stop scamming and actually provide value in exchange for money. (Crazy concept, huh?) My favorite method? Rank websites in Google to help local businesses get more customers. They’re happy, you’re paid – it’s a win-win. Here’s a video that breaks it down.