Wealth Network Review


Josef Rakich looks like he swallowed a Backstreet Boy. Quit playing games with my heart (with my heart).


What could this earring-wearing, dumbbell-pressing, Lamborghini-driving, Dubai-living, thirst trap-taking playboy possibly know about creating wealth online? 

Please tell me it’s not: pump steroids, snap selfies, spam Instagram, and hawk pricey meal plans and workouts to hopefuls who’ll never mirror his physique.

Because that’s the well-worn path of gym bros flaunting neon exotics.

Does Josef Rakich break the mold? Can this beefcake do anything besides dazzle us with his deadlift?

Let’s find out.

Read on for Wealth Network reviews. 

Why Most Courses Suck

Josef has something incredible to share with you.

But first: Are you sick and tired of the same old boring routine? And running yourself ragged for someone else’s dream?

Then it’s high time you snatched the remote back and changed the channel to something more stimulating.

Which, The Wealth Network can help with, Josef says.

It’s a private community that’ll reveal the proven strategies to make substantial monthly income using social media.

Not only that but it’s a movement of like-minded individuals all committed to becoming financially free and spending their days how they please.

Many members, Josef claims, have already achieved impressive results, escaped their 9-5s, and began traveling the world thanks to their thriving online businesses.

Inside, you’ll get access to:

  • Josef’s personal blueprint
  • Courses teaching different business models
  • Coaching calls with Josef and his monkey KeeKee (I can’t make this stuff up)
  • A custom game plan tailored to you and your goals
  • A supportive community
  • And accountability to keep you on track

But here’s the thing, Josef warns. Spots are limited.

And they’re only accepting “a select few who’re ready to take action and change their lives forever.”

Don’t wait. Seize the moment. Join The Wealth Network today, he insists.

When you click over to his sales page, he talks about how he was a high school dropout who dreamt of one day owning a Lamborghini.

Given he was hardly making over minimum wage working as a “freezer packer” at the time, it seemed impossible.

Josef Rakich Fitness
Why Most Courses Suck

But then Josef discovered the power of the internet and it changed everything for him.

  • He’s now built multiple seven-figure online businesses.
  • Helped more than 170,000 clients from around the world transform their physiques through his fitness app.
  • And amassed a social media following of 6 million plus.

All that despite starting with zero dollars, zero followers, and zero knowledge.

It took him years and there were plenty of failures along the way but he persevered and now he’s ripped and rich and ready to release the hounds of his know-how.

Josef’s capillary-popping promise to you?

He’ll have you making $20k/mo before the butter melts on granny’s green beans. Or at least, as fast as possible.

You’ll get to see exactly what he did to become a millionaire by age 23 and rack up an eight-figure net worth by age 32.

Wealth Network is the ultimate resource for anyone wanting to create sustainable cash flow using only their phone or laptop and a decent WiFi connection.

There are no prerequisites. Anyone can do this from anywhere in the world.

Once you’re making good money, Josef will even show you how to multiply it through investments.

You’ll need money to join, he admits, but never says how much.

And why would he? If you have to rob a CVS and sell a kidney to cover tuition, you wouldn’t apply now would you?

The fine print reads: no guarantees and no refunds, period.

Wanna know what I think?

I think unless you can create an Instagram feed that resembles Josef’s, you’re gonna crash harder than Windows 95.

Why Most Courses Suck