Club Closer Review

Marcus Goes Surfing

Marcus Gilhooley has sun-kissed skin from the nonstop vacation he’s on. I’m popping Dippin’ Dots into my mouth and washing it down with a Diet Coke while I type this Club Closer review from a dark two-bedroom apartment.

Marcus has the best opportunity as of right now to make $10k/mo online.

From anywhere in the world, leveraging just one skill.

That skill being something called remote high ticket closing.

But you already know that, don’t you, because you’ve seen dozens of Marcus lookalikes saying the same thing.

Why should you buy Marcus’s course over theirs?

Why Most Courses Suck

For starters, because he’ll be 100% honest with you, he says.

He’s not here to feed you lies or sell you on unrealistic outcomes.

Maybe you’re working in the corporate world and you’d rather be stitched into a human centipede than do that for another 30 years.

Or maybe you’re already in sales but the “easy six figures” you were promised now seems like a bait and switch. Even if you bought kicks with thick soles and stood on your tippy toes, you still couldn’t reach it.

Regardless of your situation, Marcus can help.

He believes almost anyone can hit $10k/mo in less than 90 days working as a remote closer.

  • No going into an office.
  • No coffee-breathed boss breathing down your neck.
  • Just pry open your laptop and hop on some Zoom calls here and there.
  • Then start knocking down heavy commissions and finally get paid what you’re worth.

Open your most expensive wine and bust out some bruschetta, too, because there’s never been a better time to get involved, Marcus pitches.

See, you’re gonna be taking sales calls for a $200 billion-dollar industry (called e-learning) that’s growing rapidly year over year.

In fact, Marcus expects it to double in the next five years.

So, no shortage of seven- and even eight-figure online coaching programs to sell for.

And when you find the right offer, pre-qualified appointments will get booked directly onto your calendar every single day.

You have one job, and one job only: close as many of ’em as possible.

In return, you’ll be paid a 10-20% commission.

Marcus Socks And Sandals
Why Most Courses Suck

Now do the math.

Say you sell a $5k product and earn a 10% commission. That’s $500 a sale.

20 sales a month, and you’re already at $10k.

And what if it was an $8,000 program that paid ya 15% per sale? That’s $1,200 a sale – and no, it’s not unheard of.

Just take a look at some of these Club Closer reviews:

  • Jack Higgins made $1,040 the first time he ran a credit card over the phone.
  • Another guy, Matthijs, went from splintered and wintered entrepreneur, to $20k a month in just six months thanks to Marcus.
  • Shaun Carter used the training to get to $10k/mo on the side of his 9-5 before quitting and jumping all the way to $25k/mo.
  • Tom and Cam, best buds from Manchester, transitioned from door-to-door sales to remote closing, and now they’re doing $5k/mo and $10k/mo, respectively.
  • Sam scrapped his internet business in favor of high ticket closing, which now nets him almost $20k/mo with none of the stress.
  • Harry just had a $1,050 day.
  • Ben, not to be outdone, did $1,250 in a single day.

And there’s countless others – just like these guys – who’ve seen similar success inside Club Closer.

Marcus has a question for you: What would you do with an extra $10k to $20k per month?

Blow it all on DraftKings?

Ape into every new meme coin that launches on Solana?

Take herculean amounts of shrooms until you start hearing colors and tasting music?

However you wanna spend your money, Marcus isn’t one to judge. But you’ll have plenty of it once you invest in Club Closer.

No word on cost.


Unless you get placed with the perfect company, I think he oversold the earning potential.

I also never heard how he’s different from all the other sales bros.

Why Most Courses Suck