Medallion Investments Review

Brice And Camille

Brice and Camille Royer look like relationship goals. Unlike my parents, who wadded up their vows and threw ’em in the trash.

The power couple founded Medallion Investments Wealth Consulting.

Why? To simplify investing and maximize returns – no unnecessary risk, no management fees. 

Brice says the old way of investing is dead. Only 22% of middle-class investors can afford retirement. Not exactly inspiring. 

But what if $10,000 could grow into $1 million (or more)? 

And what if you could skip real estate and the stock market entirely?

Mosey on down the page for Medallion Investments reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

Does this sound like you?

  • You budget, save, and invest in real estate or safe stocks – but early retirement? Yeah, that’s not happening.
  • Your job or business is draining and nobody respects you.
  • You wish your partner didn’t hafta work so much (or at all) so you could kick it more as a fam.
  • You stress about losing your job and not being able to provide.
  • You wanna invest more but keep hearing horror stories of people losing everything.
  • You’ve subscribed to stock-picking newsletters but can’t seem to beat the S&P.
  • Maybe you even tried day trading or crypto, until it wrecked your mental health.

Relax. Brice won’t let you end up homeless, hooked on bath salts, gnawing someone’s face off at 3 a.m.

Instead, 10x your net worth in five years or less without putting your lifestyle on the chopping block.

How? Brice is glad you asked.

To start, invest in businesses with integrity, he says. High-integrity CEOs generate 500% greater returns than low-integrity CEOs.

Next, follow the 10x rule: only invest in emerging trends and companies with the potential for at least 1,000% returns. Why risk $100 to make $20 when you could risk $100 to make $1,000 or more?

Think it’s impossible? Think again.

Brice and Camille can show you how to invest in the next Uber or Airbnb before it goes public. Or the next altcoin that makes Bitcoin’s returns look like a tip jar full of ones.

Hell yeah! Let freedom ring! Those gains should come with a flag and fireworks.

Bundled Up
Why Most Courses Suck

Shift #3 is what Brice calls the 2% secret. Basically, don’t invest more than 2% of your net worth chasing those 10x gains.

Any more than that, and you’re digging a hole that’s hard to climb out of if you’re wrong.

But if you’re right? Even a tiny investment piles up quick when you’re hitting 15x, 50x, 150x returns.

So yeah. “Don’t bet the farm, bet the eggs.”

What else? Invest without emotions, Brice says.

This means no FOMO, no panic selling, no falling in love with a stock, no holding losers hoping to get back to even, and no impatience.

The main thing? Stop checking your portfolio every five minutes. Once a year’s plenty, according to Brice.

Sounds extreme, but he’s dead serious.

Here’s how this plays out:

  1. Invest 2% of your net worth.
  2. Buy 10 cryptos or companies with 10x potential.
  3. Sell for 1,000%+ returns when the time is right.
  4. Retire early.
  5. Move to Florida, golf, and watch the Cubs religiously until you die.
  6. Rest easy knowing your kids will burn through any inheritance you left them.

Okay, I might have added the last two.

But Brice swears this works, backing it up with a couple of success stories:

  • John, a sewage worker from Vancouver, dropped $4,000 on Ethereum and walked away with $1.6 million two years later.
  • Michael, a doctor who bought an options course, followed every step, and still lost most of his cash, flipped $20,000 into $108,000 within 12 months of joining. He’s now eyeing seven figures.

Medallion Investments has the tools, resources, algorithms, and mentorship to help you hit your “set for life” goal in five years or less.

The price? Hidden, which drives me nuts. Safe to assume it’s not cheap, I guess.

The streets? Conflicted. Reddit calls them a scam. Trustpilot? 12 flawless 5-star reviews. Meanwhile, the BBB and Yelp are like, “Medallion who? We’ve got Medallion Financial, Medallion Bank, Medallion Fund… but if you’re looking for Medallion Invests, try Area 51.”

Would I buy? Nope. The real alpha lives on Crypto Twitter, brahim.

Why Most Courses Suck


Q: Did Brice have cancer?

A: Yes, he had stomach cancer but healed himself without surgery, chemo, or meds. How? After his doctor told him kindness is the best medicine, he spent a year doing good deeds for strangers, and credits that for his recovery. Man, I hope that’s true. That sounds a little too ‘paralyzed man walks after preacher’s prayer’ to me.

Q: That’s awful of you to imply.

A: You’re right. If I get diagnosed tomorrow, I’m letting someone merge in traffic and tipping 20% for mediocre service. Take that, cancer!

Q: Who shouldn’t bother with Medallion Investments?

A: If a slight delay on your Kung Pao Chicken at Panda Express makes you sweat, crypto’s gonna have you on life support. This market is a psychological torture chamber. If you can’t handle extreme dips without selling your bags in a blind panic, you’re just funding the portfolios of people who can.

Q: Top Medallion Investments alternatives?

A: Consider it done, chief.

Q: If Brice and Camille are such great investors, why aren’t they billionaires?

A: I don’t know their exact net worth, but fair point. You’d think living in Vancouver they’d at least have naming rights to a Tim Hortons by now. “Sore-y, bud.” And yeah, when’s the last time you saw Warren Buffett selling a $997 masterclass?

Q: How to get in touch with them?

A: Here’s their contact info:

  • +1 (833) 915-2959
  • Medallion Investments, LLC
    1055 West Georgia St., Suite 2400
    Vancouver, BC V6E 3P3

Q: Medallion vs. S&P 500?

A: I imagine Brice and Camille’s strategy mogs the S&P over the medium to long term. But 2% of your net worth? Cute. You can always spend your 40s working the register at Home Depot. Or, you could grow a pair and push your stack in like you actually wanna retire before your knees give out.

Q: Isn’t crypto known for brutal bear markets?

A: Yes. Alts can bleed out 95% like it’s nothing. You could be down bad for years, holding bags so heavy you’ll need a chiropractor. Some coins never recover. To be fair, Brice admits most of your 10x bets will crash and burn. That’s okay. 80/20 Rule: one or two unicorns and all the sudden you’re the ‘I told you so’ guy at Thanksgiving. Tell Uncle Breezy to grab a juice box and sit at the kids’ table for talking all that shit last year.

Q: Will the new ETF products lessen this?

A: Probably. ETFs bring more institutional money, which could make Bitcoin and Ethereum slightly less volatile, but alts will still get rekt when the market pukes. Especially tokens with no utility. Stick to projects with actual products, real users, and cash flow. Or prepare to round-trip and cope.

Q: What’s the biggest myth about investing in crypto?

A: That you need to constantly be doing something. Watching charts. Checking prices. Chasing every new narrative like a squirrel on Adderall. Rotating, trading, swapping, staking – doing something at all times. Think of your crypto like a bar of soap: the more you touch it, the less you have. Delete your Coinbase app, go outside, and let your bags marinate.

Q: Wouldn’t staking be a good idea then?

A: If you enjoy locking up your coins for a 6% yield while they drop 90%, sure, staking’s freakin’ awesome.

Q: What about yield farming? More passive gains, right?

A: Tread carefully, anon. Yield farming is all fun and games until some insider yanks the liquidity and vanishes like a fart in the wind. Sure, you can earn 20%+ APY, but that yield’s gotta come from somewhere, and, spoiler alert: it’s usually unsustainable token emissions and exit liquidity. The ones for sure getting rich with yield farming? The guys selling yield farming courses. Does that remind you of anyone?

Q: Will AI make investing easier or harder?

A: Both. AI is making trading faster and smarter, but now you’re up against bots that won’t YOLO in at the top or jeet sell on the first red candle. If your alpha comes from some KOL tweeting “looks good send it” followed by a rocket emoji, you’ve already lost.

Q: Dumbest decision a crypto newbie can make?

A: Trying to perfectly time tops and bottoms as if you’ve got a crystal ball. That, or blindly trusting some YouTuber hyping a “100x gem.” Then, when you look into it, it’s a one-page website full of buzzwords, an un-doxed team, and an X account where every third tweet is about tokenomics. My advice? Run.

Q: Any investment rules to live by?

A: Be early to a massive trend. Study your ass off. Find your winners. Study more. Build conviction. But don’t ape in yet – wait until sentiment’s in the gutter. That’s when you start nibbling, spreading your buys out over a period of weeks to months just in case it goes even lower.

Q: Anything more specific you can tell me about finding the next 10x?

A: You gotta buy deep in the bear, when half of Crypto Twitter is submitting McDonald’s applications and notorious bullposters are logging off to “take a mental health break.” That’s when you go hunting. Look for projects that:

  • Haven’t had a bull run before.
  • Solve a real problem.
  • Have actual users that aren’t token holders.
  • Are hated, ignored, or called dead.

Basically, buy when it feels awful, hold when it feels good, and sell when it feels euphoric. That’s the 10x blueprint – just don’t expect it to happen overnight.

Q: How can I make more money to invest with?

A: I’ll tell you my favorite side hustle. But listen, I’m no genius. The longest book I’ve ever read is The Cheesecake Factory menu. And since no filter can undo my goblin face, being an influencer was off the table. So, renting out websites made the most sense for me. Here’s a video on how it works.