Hassan Mountains

SalesConsulting.io founder Hassan Chattha feels like the 1,100th remote closing expert I’ve reviewed this week.

They all blend together. 

Twentysomethings sporting sharp jawlines, Rolexes and cigars.

Skylines and sports cars fill their feeds, with captions like “work like they won’t, live like they can’t.” 

Ever seen bodycam footage of a cop overkilling some unarmed tweeker in the hallway of a Days Inn? 

That’s what Hassan’s Instagram is like. It’s like, chill, bro, you’re doing too much.

Should we give him a pass? Lemme roll the logs, see what crawls out.

Read on for Sales Consulting reviews. 

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Jack Tran Facebook

Jack Tran, wearing those pants like he was born in ’em, can help you become a highly-paid remote software engineer, even if you don’t know how to code.

Maybe you’re fresh outta high school or college and you’re barely scraping by on ramen noodles and tap water.

Or maybe you’ve got a job that pays well but it’s stressful and has you working way too many hours.

Maybe you’d rather travel the world and be a digital nomad.

Whatever the sitch, my man Jack’s here to help.

Continue on for Jack Tran reviews.

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This dude grew his salary from $37,500 a year to $125,000+, all by teaching himself how to code.

TJ Oyeniyi is his name. Born in Nigeria. Grew up in Dallas. Did his undergrad at UT Austin, where he got a degree in nutritional science.

From there, he bounced over to ASU, picked up a graduate business degree.

Outside of getting him into a lot of student loan debt, both degrees were pretty much worthless.

The stress and pressure of being broke led TJ to pursue coding as a way out.

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Storage Nerd

Stacy Rossetti looks like she’s about to hand me a sheet of paper full of numbers and ask me to find the mean, median, and mode.

And if me and Brandon don’t stop laughing about how his Beretta was “sure purring” over the weekend while we cruised the strip looking for chicks and peeled out after every red light, we’ll both get another detention.

God I miss the simpler times and my high school homies, just not the homework. I wonder what ever happened to B-Money?

Sorry, this is about Stacy Rossetti and her $15,000 StorageNerds Legacy Membership.

Keep reading for my review.

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Chelsea BeachBody

Chelsea Ouimet went from MLM to MLM to MLM, to boutique clothing, back to network marketing, did a little social media marketing, then got into affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing is the first thing that made her big money.

Before that, life was happening, debt was building.

She and her husband had just had their third kid, moved from New York to South Carolina, put their oldest in a private school they couldn’t really afford.

Then Chelsea sees this 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge thingamajig. It only cost $7, so what the hell, right?

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Melodee Roadmap

Melodee Fiske describes herself as a wife, mom, Christ follower, and homeschooler.

You just know she knows her way around a Hobby Lobby.

When her boys were young, she put down the chalk and picked up a camera, determined to stay home while pursuing her passion.

That led to Melodee Lynn Photography, where she spent a few years capturing seniors, families, and weddings before launching Pretty Focused to teach others how to become professional food photographers, even if they have no experience. 

What’s the catch, right?

Read on for my Pretty Focused review.

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Elliot Phillips says you can replace your teaching salary in the next 90 days, doing work you love, feeling energized like a disco ball at a dance party.

“So if you’re a teacher,” he says, “and you’re fed up with being tired, overworked, and burnt out? Because you’re always working 70 hours per week?”

“But you are passionate about your job, you’d love to keep teaching but in a way that you have control?” he says.

“You wanna be your own boss, control your schedule, and get paid what you’re worth?” he says.

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Cody PIF Hat

Cody Bjugan looks like he just hotboxed in your mom’s Mazda then decided to yell across the internet about how America needs you to invest in land.

Remove the PIF hat and he’s a spitting image of Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong. 

The balder the head, the bigger the business?

Appears that way.

Cody claims to make more as a land developer than he does hawking his $15,000 VestRight coaching program.

Nobody believes that but with thousands of students he’s plenty rich just from being a guru.

Read on for Cody Bjugan reviews.  

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Bal Vegas

Balkar “Bal” Sidhu can get away with a murse. Most guys can’t. You see ’em and you go, “Nope. Nuh-uh. That murse is wearing you, dawg.”

How tall you think he is? Six? Six-one? 

Good beard, solid build. There’s probably easier guys to rob.

Bal says he went from broke car salesman to making $50k per month flipping cars – and you can do the same.

Reddit calls bullshit – automatically thinks it’s a scam – but I’m willing to hear him out.

Read on for my QuickFlips Academy review.

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Valerie Elhurr looks as if she’s about to say, “For hair so healthy, it shines.” But no.

She’s here to help you start and scale your own coaching business to six figures and beyond.

Secret #1 is to make friends with failure.

You will fail along the way.

“This is one of the things that I attribute to my million dollar business the most,” Valerie says.

“The way my mentor described it to me is that failure is a river you have to go down. At the end, the mouth opens up into an ocean of success,” she continues.

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Jonathan Cronin Apartments

Jonathan Cronin says what if you could replace your entire income with just one real estate deal? 

And you’d only hafta work three to five hours per week. And you could do it in 14 months or less. No cash or credit needed.

I’m a jumpy first grader lined up to go to lunch, Jonathan, tell me more.

Most real estate investors, he says, think too small. This causes ’em to take the wrong approach.

They end up wasting their time, draining their savings, hardly ever doing a deal. If they do, it doesn’t amount to much.

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Carly Walton has a three-step plan for you to build a highly profitable online music studio.

Carly went to Berklee College of Music in Boston where she studied piano music education.

After graduating, she got a job teaching music at a K-8th grade school in Cambridge. Awesome job, really fun, but also a lot of work for very little pay.

Just to make ends meet, after school got out, Carly would drive around Boston giving private piano lessons.

A year into it, she was donezo like a pizza in a hot oven.

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Adam Disney

Adam Cherrington is a convicted felon who did hard time for duct taping 6.6 pounds of nose candy to his body and trying to smuggle it into Australia.

Where’d he get his moral compass: the clearance bin at Kmart?

But hey, he’s learned his lesson.

Now he’s married, wears plaid shirts, and loves God. 

So you can totally trust him when he says he makes a quarter million a month as a super affiliate.

And that he’s been raking in these numbers for 20 years.

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Ginger Beach

Ginger Schell looks like the mom who’d not only bake cookies for the PTA meeting but also volunteer for the field trip to the zoo, rocking a fanny pack loaded with snacks and sunscreen for everyone. 

Heck, my mom could barely show up to deliver me.

Between her narrow hips and my fat head, I s’pose we’re both lucky to be here. 


If you’re a professional feeling unfulfilled, burnt out, and trapped in your current job, Ginger wants to show you how to start your own transcription business.

Read on for Six-Figure Scribe reviews.

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Sam Cyrus got that laid-back, luscious mane. He calls himself a software investor in the digital realm. 

Accredited investors are apparently making $70,000 in annual preferred dividend payments via his SaaS Wealth Fund.

He says cash flowing software businesses is the best investment you can make.

Running over traditional investments like a Ford F-150.

While that may be true, who the hell is this guy and can you trust him?

Read on for Sam Cyrus reviews.

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