Balkar “Bal” Sidhu can get away with a murse. Most guys can’t. You see ’em and you go, “Nope. Nuh-uh. That murse is wearing you, dawg.”
How tall you think he is? Six? Six-one?
Good beard, solid build. There’s probably easier guys to rob.
Bal says he went from broke car salesman to making $50k per month flipping cars – and you can do the same.
Reddit calls bullshit – automatically thinks it’s a scam – but I’m willing to hear him out.
Read on for my QuickFlips Academy review.
This is for people looking for a simple and scalable side hustle.
Something that’s not as cutthroat as dropshipping or as complicated as running an SMMA, where you have to learn copywriting and advertising and email marketing and client fulfillment. Right?
Here, you’re just buying a vehicle for cheap, adding value to it… and then selling it for more.
According to Bal:
- It’s predictable.
- It’s reliable.
- It works even in recessions… because you’re catering to those who need affordable cars.
- It’s very easy to hit that $10k/mo profit mark that everyone always talks about.
- In fact, you could do it in a matter of weeks – but no promises.
Well damn. The business sounds so good it’s like it’s making love to my ears. (Raw dog, of course.)
Bal brought receipts, too:
- 18-year-old Malik was working at McDonald’s making $1,800/mo. With no previous auto industry experience or mechanical knowledge, he went from $0 to $10k/mo in his first 30 days inside QuickFlips Academy.
- Armando pocketed $5,500 off of one flip.
- Phil bought a beater “as is” on Sunday night for $1,200, and had it sold by Thursday morning for $2,500, netting him $1,300.
- And Stephen’s best month flipping cars so far? An impressive $24k.
Know who’s not surprised, though? Bal.
You see, after three years of slinging Pacifica plug-in hybrids, he learned the tricks of the trade – what these seven-figure-a-month dealerships were doing on their buying and selling to be so successful.
And yeah.
Once you know the secrets, it’s hard not to make money with this, Bal says.
So whether you’re saving up for a new whip yourself, or trying to replace your 9-to-5, his car flipping system can help.

Alright, so what kinda cars we talking about?
Think ’01 Honda Civic. Think 2004 Malibu. Think 2007 Cadillac Escalade. Dodge Journey. Toyota Prius. As long as it drives and you can cut a check for it, you’re golden, Bal says.
And if you cop something cool, like a murdered-out Chrysler 300, remember, you can always daily it for a bit… before you get rid of it.
What’s an average flip worth, you ask?
About $1,000, Bal says. Maybe even $1,500 – if you’re lucky.
Not that more isn’t possible. His best flip to date was a 2009 Camry hybrid that he picked up for $1,700 and sold for $6,700, profiting $5,000 in just 24 hours.
In 15 minutes when the applause dies down, I’ll continue.
Awesome. So here’s what Quick Flips Academy’s all about:
- It’s an accelerated course designed to have you complete your first flip within seven days.
- Ongoing mentorship from Bal and his partner Jas will fill in any gaps.
- They’ll even search the platforms in your local market to help you find your first few cars to buy.
- This removes almost all of the risk.
- Plus, they’ll teach you how to run simple ads so that deals come to you.
- Also, how to cash in on out-of-state flips via “location arbitrage.”
How much does the program cost?
Not sure. Bal just says to bring a credit card to the call – or apply for PayPal Credit if you don’t have the funds.
Look, I’ve got zero interest in trying this myself, but I honestly think Reddit got this one wrong.